kerala nursing psc previous questions and answers

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1. Concept of Public Health was born in
AIIMS Norcet weekly test series link-
a. Mesopotamia

b. Rome

c. Greek

d. China

Answer- B

staff nurse , CHO, NRHM EXAM test series link- 
2. A newborn exhibits respiratory distress, distension of neck veins, low BP and diminished breath sounds, most likely diagnosis is

a. Pulmonary air leak syndrome

b. Hyaline membrane disease

c. Primary atelectasis

d. Transient tachypnea

Answer- B

3. Bone age is less than chronological age in all, except

a. Chondrodystrophies

b. Hypothyroidism

c. Hypopituitarism

d. Malnutrition

Answer- A

4. The syndrome of recurrent infections, partial albinism, photophobia and nystagmus are seen in

a. Bodian-Shwachman syndrome

b. Chronic granulomatous disease

c. DiGeorge syndrome

d. Chediak-Higashi syndrome

Answer- D

5. The interureteric ridge forming the base of trigonal structure is also called

a. Bell' muscle

b. Mercier's bar

c. Rice's bar

d. White line of Toldt

Answer- B

6. Myiasis refers to

a. Foreign body in nose

b. maggot in nose

c. Fungal infection

d. Tuberculosis

Answer- B

7. Chondroma is the most common in

a. Cricoid

b. Thyroid

c. Arytenoid

d. Epiglottis

Answer- A

8. Keshan's disease is due to deficiency of

a. Zinc

b. Copper

c. Selenium

d. Manganese

Answer- C

9. Grommet is used in

a. Glue ear


c. Cholesteatoma


Answer- A

10. The pioneers of immunization are

a. Chinese

b. Egyptians

c. Indians

d. Romans

Answer- A

11. Non-sedative antihistamine drug is

a. Diphenhydramine

b. Promethazine

c. Astemizole

d. Chlorpheniramine

Answer- C

12. The most reliable landmark in otoscopy is

a. Handle of malleus

b. Umbo

c. Cone of light

d. Lateral process of malleus

Answer- C

13. Opioid analgesic inhibit the release of

a. ADH

b. LH.

c. Prolactin

d. Somatotropin

Answer- B

14. A patient has been admitted to the hospital with gastroenteritis. During

assessment, the nurse is expected to find:

a. Hypoactive bowel sounds

b. Hyperactive bowel sounds

c. Rigid and board like abdomen

d. Rebound tenderness

Answer- B

15. The most frequent complication arising from hyperviscosity of polycythemia is

a. Thrombosis

b. Cardiomyopathy

c. Pulmonary fibrosis

d. Leukemia

Answer- A

16. The nurse while taking care of a patient with cervical level spinal cord injury

should give priority to the following nursing diagnosis

a. Risk for hypertension

b. Ineffective airway clearance

c. Ineffective thermoregulation

d. Impaired physical mobility

Answer- B

17. When variables are not measurable, which of the following is to be represented?

a. Nominal

b. Ordinal

c. Interval

d. Ratio

Answer- A

18. Best method of variability is

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Range

d. Standard deviation

Answer- D

19. Mortality experience is taken into consideration, when finding

a. General fertility rate

b. Total fertility rate

c. Net reproduction rate

d. Gross reproduction rate

Answer- D

20. In which one pair, indicating a vicious circle of cardiac deterioration, is set-up

in cardiogenic shock?

a. Ventricular force-cardiac output

b. Venous return-right atrial pressure

c. Arteria wall-peripheral resistance

d. Arterial pressure-coronary blood flow

Answer- B

21. The correct value of refractive index of air

a. 1.001

b. 1.000

c. 0.009

d. 1.010

Answer- B

22. In response to hypoglycemia, the hormone cause hepatic

glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis

a. Glucagon

b. Cortisol

c. Epinephrine

d. GH

Answer- A

23. Biotin is a coenzyme for

a. Oxidases

b. Decarboxylases

C. Oxygenases

d. Carboxylases

Answer- D

24. Breakdown of 1 gram of hemoglobin produces

a. 20 mg of bilirubin

b. 35 mg of bilirubin

c. 50 mg of bilirubin

d. 70 mg of bilirubin

Answer- B

25. The immunoglobulin can fix complement is

a. IgM

b. IgM
c. IgA

d. IgD

Answer- B

26. Characteristic intestinal pathogen in AIDS is

a. Salmonella

b. Isospora

c. Cryptosporidium

d. Strongylosis

Answer- C

27. The first IOL implantation was carried out by

a. Binkhorst

b. Ridley

c. Cholyce

d. Strampelli

Answer- B

28. Strawberry vaginitis is seen in infection with

a. Gonococcus

b. Trichomonas vaginalis

c. Haemophilus vaginalis

d. Candida albicans

Answer- B

29. Vitiligo involving distal digits, periorificial areas is named as

a. Vitiligo vulgaris

b. Focal vitiligo

c. Acrofacial vitiligo

d. Universal vitiligo

Answer- C

30. The sign of increased ICP in a child, 18-month old is

a. Increased irritability

b. Narrowing pulse pressure

c. Pinpoint pupils

d. Tachycardia

Answer- A

31. Pseudounipolar neurons are seen in

a. Retina

b. Olfactory mucosa

c. Spinal cord

d. Spinal ganglion

Answer- C

32. The following is atavistic epiphysis

a. Coracoid process

b. Trochanter of femur

c. Lower end fibula

d. Greater tubercle of humerus

Answer- A

33. Example of multipennate muscle

a. Dorsal interossei

b. Flexor pollicis longus

c. Rectus femoris

d. Subscapularis

Answer- C

34. The following denotes the toxicity of medications may cause a client

to see a green halo around the light

a. Digoxin

b. Furosemide

c. Metoprolol

d. Enalapril

Answer- A

35. The morbidity indicator, which is equivalent to number of years of

full health, a newborn can expect to live based on the current rate of its health?



C. Sullivan's index

d. IMR

Answer- A

36. Giving instructions for breast self-examination, is particularly important for

clients with the following medical problem

a. Cervical dysplasia

b. Dermoid cyst

c. Endometrial polyp

d. Ovarian cancer

Answer- D

37. The following vitamins is used to enhance absorption of calcium from GI tract

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin D

d. Vitamin E

Answer- C

38. A client with following condition is likely to develop rectal cancer

a. Adenomatous polyps

b. Diverticulitis

c. Hemorrhoids

d. PUD

Answer- A

39. Osteomyelitis most commonly results from which of the following


a. Immune suppression

b. IV drug use

c. Surgery

d. Trauma

Answer- D

40. For a client having an episode of acute narrow angle

glaucoma, a nurse expects to give the following medication

a. Acetazolamide

b . Atropine

c. Furosemide

d . Urokinase

Answer- A

41. A client with cancer develops pleural effusion. During chest auscultation, the following breath sounds should be expected to hear

a. Cackles

b. Rhonchi

c. Diminished breath sounds

d. Wheeze

Answer- C

42. According to the psychological theorists such as Freud and Jung,

treatment of symptoms should involve the following action

a. Modifying the behavior by manipulating the Environment

b. Using desensitization

c. Uncovering past events

d. Using family therapy

Answer- C

43. Norepinephrine has been linked to pTSD, because it plays a role in

which of the following activities?

a. ANS activity

b. Glutamate metabolism

c. Excitatory neurotransmitter inhibition

d. Pain regulation

Answer- A

44. The term applied to tiny, blanched, slightly raised end arterioles found on

the face, neck, arms and chest

a. Epulis

b. Linea nigra

c. Striae gravidarum

d . Telangiectasia

Answer- D

45. In a complete hydatidiform mole, which of the following karyotypes is typically found?

a. 46 XX

b. 69 XXY

c. 69 XXX

d. 69 XYY

Answer- A

46. The method of pain control incorporates effleurage as a technique to displace pain

a. Bradley method

b. Hydrotherapy

c. Lamaze method

d. Nubain method

Answer- B

47. The following Leopold's maneuvers assess the descent

of the presenting part into pelvis

a. First

b. Second

c. Third

d. Fourth

Answer- C

48. When attempting to interact with a neonate experiencing drug

withdrawal, which behavior would indicate that the neonate's willing to interact?

a. Gaze aversions

b. Hiccups

c. Quiet alert state

d . Yawning

Answer- D

49. The GI disorder most suggestive of cystic fibrosis

a. Duodenal obstruction

b. Jejunal atresia

c. Malrotation

d. Meconium ileus

Answer- D

50. Name the operation recommended to correct tricuspid atresia

a. Blalock-Taussig operation

b. Fontan procedure

c. Jutune procedure

d. Patch closure

Answer- B

51. The following is the most frequent site of internal bleeding associated

with hemophilia

a. Brain tissue

b. GI tract

c. Joint cavities

d. Spinal cord

Answer- C

52. The following percentages represent a case of congenital hip dysplasia

involving both hips

a. 10%

b. 25%

c. 50%

d. 75%

Answer- A

53. Quality assurance refers to

a. Standard practice

b. Measurement scale

c. Evaluation scale

d . Rating scale

Answer- A

54. When it comes to sodium, for a healthy diet, sodium should be limited to

a. 4000 mg/day

b. 3000 mg/day

c. 2400 mg/day

d. 2300 mg/day

Answer- C

55. Pinel is known for

a. Psychoanalysis

b. Moral treatment of patient

c. Cognitive therapy

d. Group psychotherapy

Answer- B

56. A 34-year-old female has recently been diagnosed with autoimmune disease. She has also recently discovered that she is pregnant, the immunoglobulin that will provide protection to the fetus in the womb is

a. IgA

b. IgG

c. IgM

d. IgE

Answer- B

57. A 35-year-old male has been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 5 years and is now unable to urinate. The following is most likely to suspect

a. Atherosclerosis

b. Diabetic nephropathy

c. Autonomic neuropathy

d. Somatic neuropathy

Answer- C

58. A 24-year-old female is admitted to casualty with confusion. The patient has a history of myeloma. Now she has the complaints of constipation, severe abdominal pain, and polyurea. The condition is

a. Diverticulitis

b. Hypercalcemia

c. Hypocalcemia

d. Irritable bowel syndrome

Answer- B

59. "Totem and Taboo" is the work of

a. Freud

b. Jung

c. Mead

d. Erikson

Answer- A

60. Widmark formula' is used to determine the quantity of

a. Alcohol

b. Barbiturates

c. Cannabis

d. Diazepam

Answer- A

61. 'Amotivational syndrome' has been associated with long-term use of

a. Alcohol

b. Benzodiazepines

c. Cannabis

d. Barbiturates

Answer- C

62. Angel dust is

a. Amphetamine

b. Phencyclidine

c. Heroin

d. LSD

Answer- B

63. The rate is produced by dividing the number of deaths during one year by estimated mid year population

a. Crude death rate

b. Morbidity incidence

c. Mortality prevalence

d. Proportional population rate

Answer- A

64. Within epidemiological framework, interrelationships among a multitude of factors, constitute

a. Confounding variables

b. Natural history of disease causation

c. Systems effect

d. Web of causation

Answer- D

65. Mittelschmerz is pain associated with

a. Vomiting

b. Ovulation

c. Defecation

d. Sexual intercourse

Answer- B

66. A statistical source for population age distributions, dependency ratios and SES characteristics is

a. Census data

b . Morbidity data

c. Service utilization data

d. Vital statistics

Answer- A

67. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the source of elevated estrogen

and progesterone is

a. Fetal adrenal glands

b. Fetal liver

c. Corpus luteum

d. Maternal ovaries

Answer- C

68. Regarding fetal development, lungs are capable of breathing air at

a. 22nd weeks of pregnancy

b. 25th weeks of pregnancy

c 30th weeks of pregnancy

d. 18th week of pregnancy

Answer- A

69. SHBG is decreased in

a. Cirrhosis

b. Hirsutism

c. Pregnancy

d. Estrogen therapy

Answer- B

70. The nursing intervention, most appropriate for promoting the environment

safety of client with cognitive disorder is

a. Applying an identification bracelet on the client

b. Maintaining daily routine care to the client

c. Placing a clock and daily schedule in the client's room

d. Using short sentences when speaking with clients

Answer- C

71. When disposing of plastic bags, tubings, syringes and gloves used to administer antineoplastic drugs, the nurse should implement which nursing intervention?

a. Avoiding contact with the equipment by allowing housekeeping to remove it

b. Discarding all used equipment in a container marked "Isolation

c. Dispose all equipments in a container marked “Bio Health Hazard”

d. Disposing all used equipments in the regular trash receptacles

Answer- C

72. Triphasic K-complex is seen in which phase of sleep?

a. Stage-1

b. Stage-II

c. Stage-III

d. REM Sleep

Answer- B

73. The following problem does not typically result from uncontrolled gestational diabetes mellitus

a. Maternal hypoglycemia

b. Fetal demise

c. Insufficient amniotic fluid

d. Maternal hypertension

Answer- D

74. Knock-out drops' or 'Mickey Finn' stands for

a. Methyl alcohol

b. Ethylene glycol

c. Chloroform .

d. Chloral hydrate

Answer- D

75. The client with a rectovaginal fistula is at risk of infection. The intervention, most important in the preventive aspect of nursing care is

a. Administering antibiotics
b. Ensuring adequate rest to enhance healing

c. Monitoring temperature and WBC count

d. Performing perineal care

Answer- D

76. A patient with bipolar disorder becomes verbally aggressive in a group therapy session, which of the following responses by the nurse would be the best?

a. "You are behaving in an unacceptable manner, and you need to control yourself”

b. "If you continue like that, no one will want to be around you"

c. "You are fighting everyone in the group, leave room Immediately”

d. “Other people are disturbed by your profanity. I will walk with you down
the hall to help release some of that energy"

Answer- D

77. The natural hormone produced by the pineal gland that induces sleep

a. Amphetamine

b . Melatonin

c. Methylphenidate

d . Pemoline
Answer- B

78. “Let likes be cured by likes”. This law similar in the

concept of

a. Ayurveda

b. Biofield therapeutics

c. Chiropractic medicine

d. Homeopathy

Answer- D

79. The nurse suspects that the laboring client may have been physically abused by her male partner. The most appropriate intervention is

a. Confront the male partner

b. Question the women in front of her partner

c. Contact hospital security

d. Collaborate with the physician to make a referral to social services

Answer- D

80. One of the action, best explains the main role of surfactant in the neonate is

a. Assists the ciliary body maturation in the upper airways

b. Helps to maintain rhythmic breathing pattern

c. Promotes clearing mucus from the respiratory tract

d. Helps the lung remain expanded after the initiation of breathing

Answer- A

81. Free base is a form of

a. LSD

b. Brown sugar

c. Cocaine

d. Heroin

Answer- C

82. Aminopterin is antivitamin of

a. Pyridoxine

b. Niacin

c. Folic acid

d. Riboflavin

Answer- C

83. The following medication has been connected with development of Reye's syndrome which of the

a. Amphetamine

b. Melatonin

c. Aspirin

d. Ibuprofen

Answer- C

84. Pelkan's spur is seen in

a. Rickets

b. Scurvy

c. Hypothyroidism

d. Hypopituitarism

Answer- B

85. Bruxism refers to

a. Nightmares

b. Nocturnal enuresis

c. Sleep walking

d. Tooth grinding

Answer- D

86. Father of epidemiology

a. Hippocrates

b. Robert Wilson

c. Jon Snow

d. John Alex

Answer- A

87. The goal of oxygen therapy for a client with pulmonary embolism is to obtain

a. PaCO2above 40 mmHg

b. PaCO2, above 60 mm Hg

c. PaCO2, below 40 mm Hg

d. PaCO2, below 60 mm Hg

Answer- B

88. A client with a pulmonary embolism may have an umbrella filter, placed in

the vena cava to

a. Prevents further clot formation

b. Collects clots, so they do not go to the lungs

c. Break up clots into insignificantly small pieces

d. Contains anticoagulants that are slowly released, releasing the clots

Answer- B

89. Frankel's line in the X-ray is seen in

a. Scurvy

b. Rickets

c. Congenital syphilis

d. None of the above

Answer- B

90. Theophylline is prescribed for a client with chronic bronchitis, the substance increases the elimination of theophylline leading to subtherapeutic levels of the drug is

a. Caffeine containing beverages

b. Oral contraceptives

c. Corticosteroids

d. Marijuana

Answer- A

91. A client is presented with an embolic stroke. Which of the following conditions places the client at the risk of thrombo embolic stroke?

a. Atrial fibrillation

b. Bradycardia

c. Deep vein thrombosis

d. History of myocardial infarction

Answer- C

92. “Education is the natural harmonious and progressive development of man's

innate powers”, said by

a. John Dewy

b. Pestalozzi

c. Heward Joyce

d. Rousseau

Answer- B

93. At which stage, should initial screening for idiopathic juvenile scoliosis take place?

a. 7 years

b. 10 years

c. 13 years

d. 17 years

Answer- B

94. The following committee was given recommendations to start a college

of nursing in India

a. Bhore committee

b. Kartar Singh Committee

c. S Radhakrishnan Committee

d. Mudaliar Committee

Answer- B

95. The statistical synthesis of the datas from a set of comparable studies of

a problem, and it yields a quantitative summary of the period of the pooled

results is

a. Meta synthesis

b. Meta analysis

c. Concept mapping

d. Concept synthesis

Answer- B

96. FIGLU test is used to detect

a. Vitamin A intoxication

b. Niacin acid deficiency

c. Folic acid deficiency

d. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Answer- D

97. Accrediting body "responsible for the specialized accreditation of nursing

educational programs, both postsecondary and higher degree (Master's degree,

Baccalaureate Degree, Associate Degree, Diploma, and Practical Nursing Program)"




d. NAE

Answer- A

98. "It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in

a hospital that should do the sick no harm”. This famous quote is of

a. Florence Nightingale

b. Cass Canfield

c. Carrie Latet

d. Virginia Henderson

Answer- A

99. The aspiration of theory“the fully functional person, the the best approach

for the facilitator to assist the learners to perform their full potential,

is to know them well”

a. Levin's theory

b. Roger's theory

c. King goal attainment theory

d. Peplau's theory

Answer- B

100. A client attorney can file a lawsuit within which time frame

a. Discovery role

b. Statute of limitations

c. Grace period

d. Alternative dispute resolution.

Answer- B


Nursing Officer

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