Aiims delhi nursing officer question paper 2018

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AIIMS Delhi nursing officer paper & quiz (2018)

 All questions  memory-based (

1. A chronic alcoholic patient blames his family environment

for his alcoholism; which of the following defense mechanisms was used by the patient?

  1. Denial

  2. Projection 

  3. Rationalization

  4. Sublimation 

Right Answered : 2

2. Moro reflex disappears at which age

  1.  6 months

  2.  4 months 

  3.  3 months

  4.  8 months 

Right Answered : 3

newborn reflexes newborn reflexes with pictures newborn reflexes images newborn reflexes chart newborn reflex assessment pediatric reflex assessment newborn grasp reflex absent
newborn reflexes

3. Minimum scrubbing time for surgical handwash?

  1.  1 min

  2.  2 min 

  3.  3 min

  4.  5 min 

Right Answered : 4

4. Which drug is used for prophylaxis of manic-depressive


  1.  lithium

  2.  Valproate

  3.  Haloperidol

  4.  Phenytoin

Right Answered : 1 

5. Which electrolyte has to be maintained in lithium therapy

  1.  Sodium

  2.  Potassium 

  3.  Calcium

  4.  Magnesium

Right Answered : 1 

 6. Highly heat resistance vaccine is 

  1.  BCG

  2.  MMR 

  3.  OPV

  4.  TT 

Right Answered : 4

7. Which drug is RELATIVELY Contraindicated in breast


  1.  Propranolol

  2.  Sulfonylurea 

  3.  Cephalosporins 

  4.  Zidovudine 

Right Answered : 2

8. Most Common site for central line catheterization?

  1.  Internal jugular vein 

  2.  femoral vein 

  3.  radial vein

  4.  Biracial vein

Right Answered : 1  

9. Which Syringe is used for flushing PICC? 

  1.  1 ml.

  2.  2ml. 

  3.  3ml.

  4.  5 ml. 

Right Answered : 4

10. Delirium tremens are withdrawal symptoms of 

  1.  Alcoholism

  2. Cocaine

  3.  Opioid 

  4.  Cannabis

Right Answered : 1 

11. Common complication after perforation of appendix

  1.  Peritonitis 

  2.  Intestinal obstruction

  3.   Hemorrhage

  4.   Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Right Answered : 1 

12.tuft  of hair is seen in which type of neural tube defect?

  1.  Spina bifida Cystica 

  2.  Hydrocephalus

  3.  Spina bifida occulta 

  4.  Enterocele

Right Answered : 3 

13. Which of the following electrolyte imbalance is associated

with Digoxin toxicity? 

  1.  Hypokalemia 

  2.  Hypernatremia 

  3.  Hypernatremia

  4.  Hypocalcemia 

Right Answered : 1 

14. Route of administration of Rota vaccine 

  1.  Oral

  2.  IM 

  3.  IV

  4.  Subcutaneous 

Right Answered : 1 

15. Whitish discharge from vagina is seen in

  1.  Trichomoniasis 

  2.  Syphilis 

  3.  Gonorrhea

  4.  Candidiasis 

Right Answered : 4

16. Coarse Rattling sound in a large airway? 

  1.  Stridor

  2.  Ranchi 

  3.  Rale

  4.  Wheezing 

Right Answered : 3

17. Red color urine is seen in which antitubercular drug?

  1.  Rifampicin 

  2.  Ethambutol 

  3.  Isoniazid

  4.  Streptomycin 

Right Answered : 1

18. Complication associated with massive blood transfusion is

  1.  Hypokalemia and hypercalcemia 

  2.  Hyponatremia 

  3.  Hypernatremia

  4.  Hyperkalemia and Hypocalcemia 

Right Answered : 4

19. Ramsay Scale is used for the assessment of

  1.  Anxious Patient. 

  2.  Sedation 

  3.  Arousal

  4.  Pain 

Right Answered : 2

20.) Breast milk can be stored at room temperature for how many


  1.  2 hrs

  2.  4 hrs 

  3.  6 hrs

  4.  8 hrs 

Right Answered : 2

21. If LMP is 25 June, 2018, then what is the EDD?

  1.  2 April, 2019

  2.  4 April, 2019 

  3.  2 March, 2019

  4.  4 March, 2019 

Right Answered : 1

22. After a road traffic accident which cannula is used for fluid

replacement in casualty for an adult patient? 

  1.  Orange

  2.  Purple 

  3.  Green

  4.  Gray 

Right Answered : 4

23. Oxygen flow rate of Nasal cannula? 

  1.  1-4 liter

  2.  5-8 liter 

  3.  1-8 liter

  4.  1-3 liter

Right Answered : 1

24. Chromic catgut absorption time of chromic catgut suture - 

  1.  7 days

  2.  14 days 

  3.  21 days

  4.  90 days 

Right Answered : 4

25. In laparoscopy procedures gases is used for inflation

abdominal wall is 

  1.  Nitrous oxide

  2.  Oxygen 

  3.  Carbon Dioxide 

  4.  Helium 

Right Answered : 3

26. Which of the following is not an input device in a computer? 

  1.  Mouse.

  2.  Keyboard 

  3.  Scanner

  4.  Printer

Right Answered : 4

27.  Bishops score is used for?

  1.   Induction of labor 

  2.  Fetal Monitoring

  3.  Progress of labor 

  4.  Fetal wellbeing 

Right Answered : 1

28. In a primigravida mother, engagement occurs at

approximately of gestation 

  1.  30 - 32 weeks

  2.  32 - 34 weeks c.

  3.  34 - 36 weeks

  4.  38 - 40 weeks 

Right Answered : 3

29. Oral pills can cause all, except 

  1.  Decreased risk of ovarian cancer 

  2.  Decreased risk of breast cancer 

  3.  Increased risk of breast cancer

  4.  Increased risk of cervical cancer 

Right Answered : 2

30. Select the ODD one 

  1.  Bed sheets

  2.  Shirt 

  3.  Tablecloth

  4.  Curtain 

Right Answered : 2

31. Which of the following nursing action is required before

giving clear liquid fluid after anesthesia? 

  1.  Check for bowel sound 

  2.  Check urine output

  3.  Check weight 

  4.  Check gag reflex 

Right Answered : 4

32. Which of the following nursing action is required before

giving solid food after anesthesia? 

  1.  Check for bowel sound and passing flatus 

  2.  Check urine output 

  3.  Check weight

  4.  Check gag reflex 

Right Answered : 1

33. Drug of choice for Bipolar Affective Disorder is

  1.  Lithium carbonate 

  2.  Chlorpromazine

  3.   Bupropion

  4.  Benzodiazepines 

Right Answered : 1

34.) Height measurement of 2 year old child is done by 

  1.  Stadiometer

  2.  Infantometer 

  3.  Goniometer

  4.  Refractometer 

Right Answered : 1

35. Current director of Delhi AIIMS?

  1.  Dr. S Mishra 

  2.  Dr. CV Mishra

  3.  Dr. Randeep Guleria 

  4.  J.P. Nadda 

Right Answered : 3

36. Normal value of serum potassium is 

  1.  3-5 mEq/L

  2.  5-8 mEq/L 

  3.  1-3 meq/L

  4.  135 - 145 meq/L

Right Answered : 1

 37. Major intracellular cation is 

  1.  Potassium

  2.  Chloride 

  3.  Sodium

  4.  Magnesium 

Right Answered : 1

38. Foot drop occurs due to

  1.  Sciatic nerve 

  2.  Superficial peroneal artery 

  3.  Deep peroneal nerve 

  4.  Brachial plexus

Right Answered : 3

39. which position is given to a patient after Mastectomy?

  1.   Side line of affected side

  2.   Elevate affected band with a pillow 

  3.   Left lateral position

  4.   Prone Position 

Right Answered :2

40. Which position is provided to a client after spinal spinal anesthesia?

  1.  Sim's

  2.  Supine with under head Pellow 

  3.  Flat 

  4.  High fowler

Right Answered :3

41. In Hypotension which fluid is provided 

  1.  Normal Saline

  2.  Dextrose 10% 

  3.  NS 3%

  4.  Ringer Lactate 

Right Answered :4

42. Which of the following condition is a medical emergency

that can be fatal 

  1.  Acute epiglottitis

  2.   laryngo pneumonitis 

  3.  Cystic fibrosis

  4.  Chronic asthma 

Right Answered :1

43. ICD tube is attached to

  1.  Closed drainage 

  2.  Open drainage

  3.  Water seal chamber 

  4.   Negative suction pressure 

Right Answered :3

44. Which instruction is given to the patient while removing

chest tube? 

  1.  Deep breath, exhale and bear down 

  2.  Hold breath 

  3.  Perform pursed lip breathing

  4.  Lie down calmly 

Right Answered :1

45. Most important Nursing action for fracture healing?

  1.  Immobilization

  2.   Calcium supplement 

  3.  Exercise

  4.  Antibiotics 

Right Answered :1

46.Which complication may be seen in burn patients ? 

  1.  Contracture

  2.  DVT 

  3.  Pulmonary embolism 

  4.  Varicose vein 

Right Answered :1

47. Sunder Pichai is CEO of 

  1.  Google

  2.  Microsoft 

  3.  Apple

  4.  Samsung 

Right Answered :1

48. Confirmatory Diagnostic test of multiple pregnancy is 

  1.  hCG

  2.  Palpation 

  3.  Ultrasonogram 

  4.  AFP 

Right Answered :3

49. Which of the following parameter, the nurse must observe in an infant with shock? 

  1.  Urine output

  2.  HR 

  3.  Weight e 

  4.  Respiration 

Right Answered :1

50. Which value of HbAlc in a Diabetic patient is indication of

good control of blood sugar level

  1.  1-3

  2.  6-8 

  3.  8 - 10

  4.  10-12 

Right Answered :1

51 Following plaster cast the nurse should assess first

  1.  Color of extremities 

  2.  Temperature

  3.  Movement of toe 

  4.  Pallor 

Right Answered :3

52. Normal color of colostomy stoma? 

  1.  Pale pink

  2.  Brick red 

  3.  Dark red

  4.  Yellowish 

Right Answered :1

53. Characteristic feature of pyloric stenosis?

  1.  Watery diarrhea 

  2.  Jelly like stool 

  3.  Projectile vomiting 

  4. Constipation

Right Answered :3

54.Golden color  of amniotic fluid indicates which condition?

  1.  Post maturity

  2.  Fetal distress 

  3.  Rh incompatibility 

  4.  IUD 

Right Answered :3

55.Which diagnostic test is performed for Rh incompatibility?

  1.  Indirect Coomb test 

  2.  Direct Coomb test

  3.  Hemogram 

  4.  Blood group

Right Answered :1

56. Which of the following positive symptoms of schizophrenia?

  1.  Delusion

  2.  Stupor

  3.   Apathy

  4.  Alogia 

Right Answered :1


57..Which of the following is a negative  symptom of Schizophrenia?

  1. Delusion

  2.  anhedonia 

  3. Hallucination

  4. Clang association

Right Answered :2

58. Kegel exercise used after delivery to?

  1.  Strengthening urinary muscles rectal muscles. 

  2.  Strengthening of abdominal muscles 

  3.  Subinvolution

  4.  Prevent PPH 

Right Answered :1

59. Major depressive episodes are characterized by low mood for

at least 

  1.  One week

  2.  Two weeks 

  3.  Four weeks

  4.  Eight weeks 

Right Answered :2

60. Nasopharyngeal tube is used in all, except

  1.  Basilar skull fracture. 

  2.  Oral surgery. 

  3.  Sedation

  4.  Prolonged seizure activity 

Right Answered :3

61. After Vesicovaginal fistula repair, important intervention is

  1.  Avoid urine collection in bladder

  2.   Adequate rest 

  3.  Antibiotics

  4.  Early ambulation 

Right Answered :1

62. Kwashiorkor doesn't include 

  1.  Edema

  2.  Decrease weight 

  3.  Fatty liver 

  4.  Change in skin and hair

Right Answered :2

63. Normal fetal heart rate at birth in a term Newborn is 

  1.  70 - 110

  2.  80 - 100 

  3.  100 - 120

  4.  120 - 160 

Right Answered :4

64. Ascites Occurs due to

  1.  Hypoalbuminemia 

  2.  Hyperkalemia

  3.  Hyperalbuminemia

  4.  Hypokalemia

Right Answered :1

65. Which of the following drug is a skeletal muscle relaxant

  1.  Pentothal Sodium

  2. fentanyl 

  3.  Ketamine 

  4.  Atropine

Right Answered : 1

66. In general anesthesia which of the following sensation

disappear at last ?

  1. Pupil response 

  2. Pain response

  3. Consciousness

  4.  Hearing 

Right Answered :4

67. Which surgery is used in surgical menopause

  1.  Bilateral oophorectomy 

  2.  Unilateral oophorectomy 

  3.  Bilateral tubectomy 

  4.  Trachelectomy

Right Answered :1

68. After hydatidiform mole surgery the nurse should assess.

  1.  Urinary output 

  2.  hCG

  3.  Vaginal discharge 

  4.  Biopsy result 

Right Answered - 2

69. Which of the following action is not used to prevent excessive

hemorrhage in the third stage of labor?

  1.   Oxytocin administration 

  2.  Uterine massage 

  3.  Methergine administration

  4.  episiotomy 

Right Answered - 4

70. In case of multiple delivery which action is not appropriate

after the birth of the first baby?

  1.   Methergine administration 

  2.  Cord clamping 

  3.  Oxytocin administration

  4.  Episiotomy 

Right Answered - 1

71. In appendicitis, pain is located in which quadrant of the


  1.  Left lower quadrant 

  2.  Left upper quadrant

  3.  Right lower quadrant 

  4.  Right upper quadrant 

Right Answered - 3

72. Transfer of frustration due to not meeting goal to another

person or weaker subject is known as 

  1.  Displacement

  2.  Projection 

  3.  Rationalization

  4.  Regression 

Right Answered - 1

73. Laryngeal airway location

  1.  Glottis

  2.   Supraglottic 

  3.   Informalities

  4.  Endotracheal 

Right Answered- 2

74. gangrene foot removal in OT usually scheduled

  1.  At the end 

  2.  At the beginning 

  3.  As per convenience of the surgeon 

  4.  As per roll number of the day 

Right Answered - 2

75. Gaseous anesthetic is

  1.  Pentothal 

  2.  Ketamine

  3.  Propofol 

  4.  Isoflurane

Right Answered - 4

76. Which of the following drug is used together with other

anesthetic agent? 

  1.  Fentanyl

  2.  Atropine 

  3.  Phenobarbitone

  4.  Phenytoin 

Right Answered - 1

77. Lactation acts as a natural contraceptive for in lactating

mother for how many days? 

  1.  42 days

  2.  60 days 

  3.  75 days

  4.  90 Days 

Right Answered - 4

78. In a Burn patient, fluid loss occurs due to

  1.   Increased capillary permeability 

  2.  Increased tissue perfusion 

  3.  Paralytic ileus and vomiting 

  4.  NG drainage 

Right Answered - 1

79. Which of the following is indication of adequate breast feeding a newborn? 

  1.  Passes urine 8 -10 times per day 

  2.  Cries frequently 

  3.  Restless

  4.  Good sucking reflex 

Right Answered - 1

80. Effluent stool consistency in ileostomy?

  1.  Solid 

  2.  Watery

  3.  Reddish paste 

  4.  Thick liquid 

Right Answered - 4

81. Which of the following is a non-absorbable suture

  1.  Vicryl 

  2.  Polyester

  3.  Chromic catgut 

  4.  Monocryl

Right Answered - 2

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23 टिप्पणियाँ:

  1. some answer wrong most heat resistance vaccine Tetanus toxoid hota h

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. Question 3 mr answer 3 minutes aayega kyuki minimum pucha h to waise 3-5 min hota h

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  3. उत्तर
    1. Ketamine mainly used for anesthesia. It induces a trance-like state while providing pain relief, sedation, and memory loss. Other uses include sedation in intensive care and treatment of pain and depression.

  4. Sir .....mminimum tyime hand washing ka surgical 5 minutes likha h lekin 3 minutes hona chahie ....3-5 minutes hota h btado sir konsa right krna h ?

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  5. Thnku sir but ak bar hamare sir n btaya ki normal cholestma colour brick red hoga sir confusion ho gayi but sir y test series bhut helpful h

    जवाब देंहटाएं