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esic nursing officer question paper

1. The size of which part of the eye contributes to controlling the amount of light entering the eye.

a. Pupil

b. Lens

c. Optic disc

d. Macula lutea

answer- a

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2. Which of the following is not a typical difference factor between benign and malignant tumors?

a. Growth rate

b. Encapsulation

c. Cell differentiation

d. Size of the tumor

answer- d

3. Aganglionic disease of the intestinal tract which causes inadequate motility is termed as:

a. Ulcerative colitis

b. Crohn's disease

c. Hirschsprung's disease

d. Diverticular disease

answer- c

4. Eclampsia is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

a. Seizures

b. Mild facial edema

C. BP greater than 160/110 Hg

d. Marked proteinuria

answer- b

5. When assessing the physical development of a five years old, you would find it abnormal if he were.

a. Needed to go up a stairway one step at a time b. Could catch a large rubber ball c. Could stack up pile of six blocks d. Cold jumps on one foot a few times

answer- a

6. Vital statistics include the following EXCEPT

a. Life expectancy

b. Birth rate

c. Education rate

d. Morbidity and mortality statistics

answer- c

7. To properly stage a pressure ulcer:

a. The patient must be supine

b. The skin must be completely dry

c. Natural light must be used

d. Eschar must be removed

answer- d

8. The inflammatory/exudative phase of wound healing will last for

a. 1 year b. 1-4 days

C. 21 days to a month

d. 5-20 days

answer- b

9. In Erickson's theory, adolescent develops a sense of

a. Initiative

b. Intellect

c. Identity

d. Industry

answer- c

10. The bacteria that retain the stain in Gram's method of

staining is a:

a. Gram positive bacteria

b. Spores of bacteria

c. Broad spectrum bacteria

d. Gram negative bacteria

answer- a

11. When considering principle of growth and development remember that

a. Although development occurs in orderly sequence the rate may vary between individuals

b. Most children can run before they walk?

c. Development occurs evenly, with periods of no growth occurring every third year

d. All children should grow in the same rate, all four years old should weigh within 4 kg of each other

answer- a

12. Secondary prevention is:

a. Safe water supply, Vector and animal reservoir control

b. Early diagnosis of disease and Prompt treatment

C. Good living and working condition

d. Nutritional counseling

answer- b

13. The reflex action of the toes in indicative of abnormalities

in the motor control pathway leading from the cerebral cortex.

a. Romberg test

b . Patellar reflex

C. Babinski reflex

d. Achilles reflex

answer- c

14. Nurse use the nursing process as a method of:

a. Planning organizing and delivering patient care

b. Communicating with patients and families

c. Meeting the legal requirements and standards in nursing

d. Meeting public expectations of nurse

answer- a

15. Which of the following would not promote trust in the nurse patient relationship?

a. Examining a wound without providing privacy

b. Fulfilling promises

c. Returning at the stated time

d. Maintaining confidentiality

answer- a

16. Which of the following is the most abundant type of blood cells?

a. Monocyte

b. Erythrocyte

c. Lymphocytes

d. Thrombocyte

answer- b

17. "Para" is defined as:

a. Total number of pregnancies

b. Born from the beginning of 38 to 42 weeks

C. Any pregnancy terminates before period of viability

d. Number of past pregnancies gone beyond the period of viability

answer- d

18. Role of community nurse in school Health program, EXCEPT

a. Assist in school medical examination and follow up

b. Assist in screening physical mental and other special examination of children in school

c. Assist in communicable disease control

d. To provide immunization to the children

answer- d

19. A significant predictor of fetal well-being is, if fetal heart rate is:

a. 100-120 beats/min

b. 180-200 beats/min

c. 120-160 beats/min

d. 160-200 beats/min

answer- c

20. The major nutrients involved in fluid balance are

a. Vitamin B9 and magnesium

b. Fats and proteins

c. Chloride and carbohydrates

d. Potassium and sodium

answer- d

21. Cerclage (encircling cervix with suture) is done for patients with

a. Complete abortion

b. "Threatened abortion

c. Incomplete abortion

d. Incompetent cervix.

answer- d

22. Bipolar disorders are treated with the following medication, EXCEPT

a. Carbamazepine

b. Valproic acid

c. Amphetamine

d. Lithium

answer- c

23. Rh Negative mother should receive_globulin

a. RhO (M) globulin

b. RhO (D) immunoglobulin

c. Lecithin/Sphingomyelin

d. Acetylcholinesterase

answer- b

24. Complete dilation of cervix to birth of a baby is staged as:

a. Stage 4 of labor

b. Stage 3 of labor

c. Stage 1 of labor

d. Stage 2 of labor

answer- d

25. Bulging sack like lesion filled with spinal fluid and spinal

cord element is:

a. Hydrocephalus

b. Myelomeningocele

c. Meningocele

d. Spinal bifida occulta

answer- b

26. The following are presenting symptoms of patient with catatonic schizophrenia EXCEPT

a. Sudden onset of mutism

b. Have dangerous periods of agitation and explosive behavior

c. Disorganized behavior and speech

d. Stereotyped position with waxy flexibility

answer- c

27. The brain region which is responsible for coordination of voluntary muscular movement posture and balance.

a. Medulla Oblongata

b. Cerebral cortex

c. Spinal cord

d. Cerebellum

answer- d

28. The complications for ventricular septal defect are all of the

following, Except

a. Pulmonary hypertension

b. Cerebral palsy

c. Endocarditis

d. Heart failure

answer- b

29.The main clinical manifestations of pulmonary edema are as follows, EXCEPT

a. Cyanosis

b. Caught with expectation

c. Hypotension

d. Dyspnea

answer- c

30. Principles of ethical practice includes the following, EXCEPT

a. Maleficence

b. Beneficence

c. Justice

d. Respect for autonomy

answer- a

31. Appendicitis patient usually exhibit which following clinical manifestations.

a. Rebound tenderness at the McBurney's Point

b. Pain occurs immediately after eating

c. Heartburn regurgitation and dysphagia

d. Hematemesis or melena

answer- a

32. To encourage an infant's cognitive and psychosocial development parents and other caregivers should

a. Allow the baby to play alone several hours each day

b. Firmly explain the rules of acceptable behavior

c. Give loving consistent care, including playing

d. Keep the baby with them at all times so he or she is safe

answer- c

33. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are as follows, EXCEPT

a. Anxiety and insomnia

b. Euphoria

c. Tremor

d. Hallucinations

answer- b

34. The level of care which is oriented towards the promotion

and maintenance of health, the prevention of Community disease, the management of common episodic discase and the monitoring of stable or chronic conditions:

a. Primary care Level

b. Secondary care level

c. Advanced care level

d. Tertiary care level

answer- a

35. Mantoux Test (Purified Protein Derivative) is significantly positive when the erythema measures.

a. 5 mm-10 mm

b. 10 mm-14.9 mm

c. 15 mm or greater

d. 3.5 mm -9.9 mm

answer- c

36. Repetitive, uncontrollable thoughts and acts (E.g. Rituals, rigidity, inflexibility) is termed as: (MHN)

a. Ritualistic behavior

b. Phobias

c. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

d. Apprehension

answer- c

37. In what ways could hepatitis A virus be spread in if one of the kitchen employees is in the reservoir:

a. While she sneezes and speaks, through droplet route

b. Oral-fecal route, through his hands

c. If she sustains a cut through blood borne

d. While she coughs out through air borne route

answer- b

38. Tumors within Sella turcica and small adenomas of the pituitary glands can be removed through

a. Infratentorial approach

b. Transsphenoidal approach

c. Supratentorial approach

d. Craniotomy

answer- b

39. Patient has redness with swelling,complains pain at the site of IV. The nurse must

a. Stop infusion and remove IV cannula

b. Start nasal oxygen

c. Change IV tubing and the solution

d. Apply warm moist pack to the reddened area

answer- a

40. The commonest drug which is administered during an

anaphylactic reaction

a. Diuretic

b. Injection Epinephrine

c. Antibiotic

d. Anticonvulsant

answer- b

41. Potential adverse effects of anesthesia and surgery are as follows, EXCEPT

a. Thrombosis from compression blood vessels or stasis

b. Malignant hyperthermia/hypothermia

C. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance

d. Myocardial depression, bradycardia, circulatory collapse

answer- c

42.The extracellular fluid includes the following EXCEPT

a. Cerebrospinal fluid and fluid in the interstitial spaces

b. Fluid within the cells c. Blood, plasma and lymph

d. Synovial fluid, pericardial fluid, and pleural fluid

answer- b

43. most common method to transfer microorganisms from one person to another in a hospital setting is prevented by ?

a. Disinfecting instruments in special solutions

b. Changing bed linen daily

c. Washing hands thoroughly and frequently

d. Filtering air in the hospital .

answer- c

44.Wearing seat belts, safety helmets and other safety

equipment's are example for:

a. Primary health promotion behavior

b. Holistic health care model

c. Secondary health promotion behavior

d. Tertiary health promotion behavior

answer- a

45. Considering the chain of faction a reservoir might be

a. A contaminated water supply

b. An uninfected patient

c. Staphylococcus bacteria

d. A tick carrying Lyme disease

answer- a

46. The nurse is assigned to a patient who has bacterial pneumonia and is under droplet precautions, which personal protective equipment (PPE) will she wear to deliver the meal tray?

å. No PPE required

b. Only a mask is needed

c. Special filtration mask and gloves

d. Gown mask gloves shoe covers

answer- b

47. The Three Features of a Community

a. Physical-Mental-Social

b. Primary, Secondary and tertiary

c. Locations, population and social system

d. Agent-Host-environment

answer- c

48. The characteristics of lochia rubra is:

a. Foul odor

b. Pink/brown with flesh odor

c. Bloody with fishy odor

d. Yellow-white

answer- c

49. Positive-definite sign of pregnancy is:

a. Visualization of fetus by ultrasound

b. Uterine enlargement

c. Amenorrhea

d. Quickening

answer- a

50. The key instruction to be given to the patient and the caregiver with epilepsy is as follows, EXCEPT

a. Take medications daily

b. Maintain medication and seizure chart

C. Avoid alcohol, smoking, hypoglycemia

d. Take showers in bathtubs

answer- d

51. The amount of air passing into and out of the lungs during each cycle of breathing is referred as:

a. Tidal volume

b. Residual volume

C. Total lung capacity

d . Vital capacity

answer- a

52. In rheumatoid arthritis, during the acute phase the values which are significant are

a. C reactive Protein and ESR elevation

b. RFT elevation (renal Function Test)

c. CBC elevation (Complete Blood Count)

d. LFT elevation (Liver Function Test) .

answer- a

53. Progressive thinning and shortening of cervix are defined as:

a. Expulsion

b. Dilation

C. Effacement

d. Contraction

answer- c

54. Philosophy of Primary Health Care are as follows EXCEPT

a. Equity and justice

b. Inter-sectoral approach

c. Primary prevention

d. Interrelationship of health and development

answer- c

55. The normal levels of sodium in plasma is

a. 135-143 mEq/L

b . 97-106 mEq/L

c. 90-196 mg/100 ml

d. 60-100 mg/dl

answer- a

56. Compression of facial nerve in the temporal bone will lead


a. Gullian-Barre syndrome

b. Meningocele

c. Multiple sclerosis

d. Bell's palsy

answer- d

57. Inborn errors of metabolism are the following, EXCEPT

a. Cystic fibrosis

b. Phenylketonuria

c. Tay-Sachs disease

d. Turner's syndrome

answer- d

58. The most significant characteristics perinnen by a patient with depression is: a. Aggressive, abusive or violent behavior

b. Hypervigilance and nightmares

C. Lack of impulse control

d. Depressed mood and loss of pleasure or interest

answer- d

59. The elderly individual greater risk for dehydration than middle-aged adult because ?

a. The elderly has more muscle mass

b. The elderly drink little fluid

c. Compensatory mechanism works less efficiently

d. Their bodies are almost 80% water

answer- c

60. False labor manifestation are as follows, EXCEPT

a. Contraction lessen with activity or rest

b. Cervix progressively effaced and dilated

C. Abdominal discomfort d. Contractions irregular

answer- b

61.important preoperative nursing care for benign prostatic hypertrophy of a patient, EXCEPT ?

a. Hormonal therapy

b. Assure nutrition or correct fluid and electrolyte balance

c. Promoting urinary drainage

d. Acid-ash diet to treat infection

answer- a

62. A patient who becomes short breath with little exertion when eating a meal, has what kind of respiratory problem?

a.Cheyne-stokes respiration

b. Dyspnea

C. Hyperventilation

d. Stridor

answer- b

63. Reye's syndrome is associated with

a. Hemolytic transfusion reactions

b. Biliary colic

c. Sickle cell crisis

d. Use of aspirin with viral illness

answer- d

64. considered excellent if APGAR score ?

a. 4-6

b. 3-7

c. 0-3

d. 7-10

answer- d

65. One cardiac cycle completes in

a. 0.57 second

b. 0.9 seconds

c. 0.8 seconds

d. 0.1 seconds

answer- c

66. Phototherapy is indicated for children with

a. Hemolytic disease

b. Necrotizing enterocolitis

c. Hypoglycemia

d. Hyperbilirubinemia

answer- d

67. Artificially acquired immunity is obtained by

a. Recovering from a disease

b. Exposure to a disease

c. Being breast fed

d. Immunization with antibody response

answer- d

68. The drug of choice to treat Bulimia nervosa is

a. Benzodiazepines

b. Antidepressants (E.g. SSRI)

c. Thiamine IV

d . IV Glucose 10%

answer- b

69. Behavioral clues impending suicide as follows, EXCEPT ?

a. Gives away valuable possessions

b. Becomes energetic after of severe depression

c. Withdraws from social activities and plans

d. Hypervigilance and exaggerated startle response

answer- d

70. Currant jelly-like stools containing mucus among 3 months to 3 years old children are suspected to have.

a. Hirschsprung's disease

b. Abdominal hernia

c. Meckel's diverticulum

d. Intussusception

answer- d

71. The traditional sources-oriented arrive type of charting is characterized by all of the following forms, EXCEPT the

a. Database form

b. Doctor's progress sheet

c. Laboratory sheet

d. History and physical examination form

answer- c

72. All elderly tends to be more susceptible to infection because of:

a. Increased exposure of pathogens

b. A decline in immune function

C. Poor nutritional status

d. Lack of exercises

answer- b

73. Responses to avoid in therapeutic communications are as follows, EXCEPT:

a. Advice giving

b. Closed-ended questions

c. Reflecting and clarifying

d. Arguing and judgmental responses

answer- c

74 Which substances that increasing sensitivity of pain receptors by enhancing pain-provoking effect of bradykinin ?

a. Nociceptor

b. Endorphins

c. Encephalin

d. Prostaglandins

answer- d

75. HbA1C post serum glucose levels over period

a. 2 months period

b. 1-month period

c. 3 months period

d. 6 months period

answer- c

76. use of protective eyewear Standard precaution requires when ?

a. Caring for a patient with cough

b. When a wound is oozing blood

c. Invasive procedures are performed

d. There is a danger of body fluids splashing

answer- d

77. best count a pulse rate is irregular When ?

a. Radial pulse for a full minute

b. Apical pulse for a full minute

C. Apical pulse for 30 seconds

d. Radial pulse for 30 seconds

answer- b

78. Gestational diabetes increases risk for the following, EXCEPT

a. Prematurity and stillbirth

b. Congenital anomalies

C. Small for date fetus

d. Macrosomia

answer- c

79. In the liver bacteria that found their way into portal circulation is destroyed by a. Cilia

b. Hydrochloric acid

c. Leukocytosis

d. Kupffer cells

answer- d

80. Example for autosomal recessive inheritance

a. Craniofacial disorders

b. Hemophilia

c. Cystic fibrosis

d. Skeletal disorders

answer- c

81. surgical asepsis differs from Medical asepsis in that it is aimed at

a. Preventing transmission of microorganisms

b. Preventing entry of microorganisms into the body

C. Sterilizing all equipment

d. Killing all microorganisms

answer- a

82. Preterm labor is when it occurs between

a. 32-36 weeks of gestation

b. 20-37 weeks of gestation

c. 24-30 weeks of gestation

d. 16-20 weeks of gestation

answer- b

83. Approach to health is that acknowledges and respect the interaction of a person's mind body and spirit within environment is termed as:

a. Holistic Health Model

b. Health Belief Model

c. High-Level Wellness Model

d. Clinical Model

answer- a

84. genital warts main cause

a. Neisseria gonorrhoeae

b. Pelvic inflammatory disease

c. Human papillomavirus (HPV)

d. Herpes simplex virus

answer- c

85. The cleft palate usually gets repaired during

a. 6 months

b. 3 months

c. 12-18 months

d. 2-3 years

answer- c

Nursing Officer

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