nervous system quiz

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1. Which is not a component of GCS

a) Eye opening

b) Verbal response

c) Motor response

d) Temperature


Q.2 Identify the drainage bag ?

(a) urinary drainage bag

(b) EVD drainage bag

(c)Silicone Jackson Pratt Drainage

(d) colostomy drainage bag


Q.3 Which of the following uses is shown in the image ?

(a) reduce infection around brain

(b) neurogenic shock prevention

(c) reduce pressure and swelling around brain

(d) all


(4.) A person is not able to blink eyes that indicates

a) 2nd cranial nerve dysfunction

b) 3rd cranial nerve dysfunction

c) 4th cranial nerve dysfunction

d) 5th cranial nerve dysfunction


5. Following craniotomy , patient develops periorbital edema & ecchymosis, the appropriate nursing action taken by a nurse is

a) Apply heat to reduce swelling

b) Apply ice packs

c) Report to doctor immediately

d) Administer corticosteroids to decrease swelling


6. The CSF examination in multiple sclerosis reveals

a) Increased sugar

b) Increased protein

c) Increased gamma globulin

d) Decreased sugar


7. most common type of cerebral palsy ?

a) Spastic

b) Aiaxic

c) Athetoid

d) Mixed


8. The functional unit of brain is

a) Neuron

b) Schwann cells

c) Axon

a) Dendrites


9. The herniation of cerebellum is known as

a) Dandy Walker Syndrome

b) Arnold Chiari Syndrome

c) Inguinal hernia

d) Hiatal hernia


10. The main cause of Migraine headache is (RPSC)

a) Muscular contraction

b) Vasospasm

c) Anxiety

d) Tension


(11) The body movement not in proper coordination while doing some task is termed as

a) Ataxia

b) Agnosia

c) Apraxia

d) Atelectasis


12. The spinal cord in the vertebral column is extended up to

a) Thoracic vertebra

b) 2nd lumbar vertebra

c) 4h lumbar vertebra

d) 1st sacral vertebra


13. The total of spinal nerves present in a human being is

a) 31

b) 12

c) 12 pairs

d) 31 pairs


14. The cranial nerves responsible for Gag reflex are

a) 9th & 10th

b) 9th, 10th & 11th

c) 10th &11h

d) 11th & 12th


15. A craniotomy may cause

a) Diabetes insipidus

b) Diabetes mellitus

c) Dwarfism d) All of above


16. Which neurotransmitter deficiency can cause Myasthenia Gravis

a) Dopamine


c) Serotonin

d) Acetylcholine


17. Shaken baby syndrome may cause death of an infant due to

a) Cardiopulmonary arrest

b) Intracranial hemorrhage

c) Fracture

d) Aspiration pneumonia


18. In resting state the neurons are

a) Polarized

b) Depolarized

c) Some polarized & others depolarized

d) None of these


19. The drug of choice in hydrocephalus is

a) Mannitol

b) Furosemide

c) Acetazolamide

d) Spironolactone


20. Hemiparesis is the term used for

a) One side paralysis

b) Lower half paralysis

c) Weakness

d) Jerky movement of limb


21. The flexion of knee occurs when neck is flexed passively is elicited in a patient, this sign is known as

a) Brudzinski's sign

b) Kernig's sign

c) Sunset sign

d) Babinski's sign


22.)The vascular layer of the brain is

a) Dura Mater

b) Arachnoid

c) Pia Mater

d) All of three


23. The best site for lumbar puncture is (RPSC)

a) L2-L3

b) L3-L4

c) L4-L5

d) L5-S1


24. The score of Glasgow Coma Scale ranges between

a) 1-15

b) 0-10

c) 3-15

d) 3-10


(25) Following spinal cord injury the client become dyspneic & gasping, a nurse should think that injury is

a) At 2 thoracic vertebra

b) Below 4 cervical vertebra

c) Above 4th cervical vertebra

d) At 12th thoracic vertebra


26. Tensilon test is performed to diagnose

a) Parkinson's disease

b) Multiple sclerosis

c) Myasthenia Gravis

d) Lou Gehrig's disease


27. A child remain in decorticate posturing that indicate the dysfunction at the level of

a) Cerebral cortex

b) Brain stem

c) Cerebellum

d) Midbrain


28. The ability of neurons to generate impulses is

a) Conductivity

b) Sensitivity

c) Irritability

d) Reactivity


(29) The group of cell bodies in CNS is known as

a) Nuclei

b) Ganglia

c) Tract

d) All of above


(30. The important feature of Horner Syndrome is

a) Paresthesia

b) Ptosis

c) Hemiparesis

d) Hemianopsia


31. The traction used by a nurse to immobilize the cervical spine is

a) Elbow traction

b) Jacket traction

c) Halo traction

d) All of above


32. The normal volume of CSF is

a) 100 ml

b) 120 ml

c) 180 ml

d) 200 ml


33. The lumber puncture is contraindicated in

a) Increased ICP

b) M.R.

c) Cerebral palsy

d) Bacteremia


34. A nurse is assessing a coma patient by using Glasgow Coma Scale, the score of scale is

a) 7

b) 9

c) 11

d) 13


(35) Autonomic dysreflexia is a lethal condition that occurs if injury to the following region happens

a) T-6 & above

b) T-6 & below

c) Lumbar region

d) Cauda equina


36. Face mask is a characteristic finding of which disease

a) Myasthenia Gravis

b) Parkinson's disease

c) Nephritic syndrome

d) Thyroid insufficiency


37. After RTA a child started drainage from nose & ears, what content in the drainage will confirm that CSF is leaking

a) Protein

b) Glucose

c) WBC

d) Blood


38. Afferent neurons are

a) Sensory neuron

b) Motor neuron

c) Mixed neuron

d) All of above


(39) Which center of the brain regulate the circadian rhythm

a) Cortex

b) Thalamus

c) Hypothalamus

d) Medulla oblongata


(40) streptokinase is a

a) Antiompulant

b) Antiplatelet

c) Thrombolytic

d) Antitubercular


41. Anopsia is a term used for

a) Inability to remize

b) Inability to see

c) Inability to recall

d) Inability to taste


42. The production rate of CSF is

a) 0.5 ml/sec

b) 0.5 ml/min

c) 0.5 ml/hour

d) 5 ml/hr


43. After L P a nurse should provide which position to the patient

a) Prone

b) Supine

c) Lateral

d) Lateral recumbent


(44. The earliest & most sensitive indicator of increasing ICP is

a) Alteration in consciousness

b) Headache

c) Wide pulse pressure

d) Bradycardia


45. The finding in Parkinson's disease is

a) Tachykinesia

b) Larger handwriting

c) Pill rolling tremors

d) Dry mouth


46. Paraplegia is the term used for

a) Complete paralysis

b) Paralysis of lateral half part of body

c) Paralysis of lower half part of body

d) Paralysis of all four extremity


47. The Macewen's sign can be elicited in child with

a) Hydrocephalus

b) Meningitis

c) Encephalitis

d) Down syndrome


48. The proprioceptors are the receptors related to the

a) Pressure changes

b) Temperature changes

c) Posture changes

d) Humidity changes


(49) Decussation of nerve tract occurs at

a) Pons

b) Midbrain

c) Medulla oblongata

d) Hypothalamus


50. The largest nerve of body is

a) Radial nerve

b) Sciatic nerve

c) Vagus nerve

d) Trigeminal nerve


51 The normal pressure of CSF is

a) 0-10 cm H2O

b) 10-30 cmH2O

c) 30-50 cmH2O

d) 50-100 cmH20


52. The cause of neglect syndrome may be

a) Cerebral stroke

b) Neurotransmitter imbalances

c) Spinal injury

d) Amnesia


53. Myelography is an investigation for

a) Examine the myelin sheath

b) Visualization of brain

c) Visualization of spinal cord

d) Recording electrical changes of brain


54. The appropriate positioning provided to a client with increased ICP is

a) Supine

b) Semi-fowler's

c) Trendelenberg's

d) Knee-chest positioning


55. The first goal of treatment for autonomic dysreflexia is

a) Manage severe headache

b) Prevent hypertensive stroke

c) Manage bradycardia

d) Disimpact the client


56. Bell's palsy occurs due to lesions of (AIIMS)

a) 5th cranial nerves

b) 7th cranial nerve

c) Brachial plexus

d) 12th cranial nerve


57. Meningitis is diagnosed after CSF investigation report that indicate


a) Increased sugar & protein

b) Decreased sugar & protein

c) Increased sugar & decrease protein

d) Decreased sugar & increased protein


58. The cells have important role in the blood brain barrier is

a) Astrocyte

b) Oligodendrocyte

c) Microglia

d) Ependymal


59. The length of spinal cord is

a) 25 cm

b) 35 cm

c) 45 cm

d) 55 cm


60. Which is not a sensory nerve

a) Olfactory

b) Optic

c) Vestibulocochlear

d) Abducent


61. Diencephalon is

a) Basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus

b) Cerebral cortex, brain stem

c) Basal ganglia, brain stem

d) Thalamus , hypothalamus


62. Circle of Willis is related to

a) Lymphatic drainage

b) Blood supply

c) Neurotransmitter regulation

d) Hormones production


63. Caloric test is performed on a client, he complaint vertigo & involuntary eye movement, the priority nursing action was

a) Assess patency of airway

b) Call immediately to the physician

c) Explain the client that it is a normal response

d) Explain client that it's abnormal finding & need further investigation


64. Mannitol is prescribed to a patient with increased ICP, the mechanism of mannitol is

a) Increases hydrostatic pressure in vessels

b) Increased osmotic pressure in blood vessels

c) Decreases H.P. in blood vessels

d) Decreases O.P. in blood vessels


65. The irreversible brain damage occurs if Oxygen supply to brain interrupt for

a) 10 sec

b) 10 min

c) 30 min

d) One hour


66. The priority nursing concern for a client suffering from Guillain Barre Syndrome is

a) Cardiovascular status

b) Respiratory status

c) neurologic status

d) Gastrointestinal status


67. The confirmative diagnosis for Reye's Syndrome can be made by

a) MRI skull

b) CSF examination

c) LFT

d) Liver biopsy


68. Which plexus produces CSF

a) Brachial plexus

b) Sacral plexus

c) Lumbar plexus

d) Choroid plexus


69. Which disease is known as Sacred disease

a) Leprosy

b) Epilepsy

c) Mental Retardation

d) Congenital hydrocephalus


70.) The most common site of spondylolysis is

a) T-12

b) L-2

c) C-5

d) L-5


71. The center to control body temperature is


a) Medulla oblongata

b) Hypothalamus

c) Cerebral cortex

d) Pons


72. Broca's aron of speech is situated in which lobe of brain

a) Frontal

b) Parietal

c) Temporal

d) Occipital


73. The most sensitive indicator of neurological status is

a) Pupillary reflex

b) Level of consciousness

c) Respiratory pattern

d) All of above


74. The bruising type injury to the brain tissues is known as

a) Contusion

b) Concussion

c) Fracture

d) Hematoma


75. The stroke may cause

a) Contralateral hemiplegia

b) Ipsilateral hemiplegia

c) Both side paralysis

d) Quadriplegia


76. An excess of glutamate can cause

a) Guillain Barre Syndrome

b) Multiple Sclerosis

c) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

d) West Nile infection


77. The appropriate positioning provided to a newborn with spina bifida is

a) Prone

b) Supine

c) Left lateral

d) Right lateral


78. Erb palsy may occur as a result of injury to

a) 7th cranial nerve

b) Cervical plexus

c) Brachial plexus

d) Vagus nerve


(79) Incontinence may occur during seizure, it occurs in the phase

a) Aura

b) Tonic

c) Clonic

d) Postctical


80. The cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is

a) Autosomal disorder

b) Autoimmune disease

c) Median nerve compression

d) Vascular compression


81. A client is not able to manage the voluntary activities,which part of brain may have problem

a) Basal ganglia

b) Thalamus

c) Pons

d) Medulla oblongata


82 A client complains to a nurse that after CT scan he is going for urination repeatedly, the best response given by nurse is

a) You should undergo for x-ray KUB

b) Dye may cause increased GFR

c) You can have a urinal with you

d) Wait, I am calling your doctor


83) The ominous sign of death is

a) Cessation of breathing

b) Loss of apical pulse

c) Loss of reflexes

d) Bilateral dilated fixed pupils


84. The most lethal type of hematoma is

a) Subarachnoid

b) Intracerebral

c) Subdural

d) Epidural


85. After CVA a client develop Neglect Syndrome, the assessment finding of Neglect Syndrome is

a) Self care deficit

b) Neglect other caregivers

c) Unawareness about existence of paralyzed sid

d) Resist each task ordered by caretaker


86. An inflammation of brain parenchyma is known as

a) Encephalitis

b) Meningitis

c) Hydrocephalus

d) All of above


87. The priority nursing action for a child diagnosed as spina bifida is

a) Nutritional management

b) Bowel & bladder functioning

c) Protection from injury

d) Protection from infection


88, which structure divides the cerebrum into two hemisphere

a) Falx cerebri

b) Tentorium cerebelli

c) Vermis

d) Corpus callosum


(89) The diet advised to a epileptic patient should be

a) High caloric, high lipid

b) Low carbohydrate, high lipid

c) High carbohydrate , low lipid

d) Low lipid dict


90. Huntington's disease is a

a) Autosomal dominant disease

b) Autosomal recessive disease

c) Autoimmune disease

d) None of above


91. The center of brain that regulate coughing & vomiting is

a) Hypothalamus

b) Medulla oblongata

c) Spinal cord

d) Cerebral cortex


92.) In which case a MRI can be done

a) Pregnancy

b) Pace-maker implant

c) Recent Ml history

d) Hip prosthesis


93. During eye examination the finding was dilated pupil of right eye, it indicates

a) Optic nerve compression

b) 3rd cranial nerve compression

c) History of narcotic drug consumption

d) Injury to optic chiasma


94. An accidental case having leakage of fluid from nose & ears brought to emergency, which is the action suppose to taken by a nurse is

a) Suction the drainage from nose & mouth

b) Instruct the client to cough to expel secretions

c) Apply a loose sterile dressing

d) Administer morphine sulphate


95, A 34 year pregnant is diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis, a nurse comprehend that it's a

a) Demyelination of peripheral neurons

b) Demyelination of CNS neurons

c) Disturbances of neurotransmitters

d) Neuromuscular weakness


96. Meningitis is an inflammation of layers of brain that includes

a) Durometer, arachnoid & pia mater

b) Dura Mater & arachnoid

c) Dura Mater & pia mater

d) Arachnoid & pia mater


97. The weight of brain is approximately

a) 700 gm

b) 1400 gm

c) 2100 gm

d) 3 kg


98. The PH of CSF is

a) Slightly Acidic

b) Neutral

c) Slightly alkaline

d) Alkaline


99. Acoustic neuroma is a tumor of

a) Peripheral nerve

b) Spinal nerve

c) 10th cranial nerve

d) 8th cranial nerve


100. Ptosis is a clinical feature of

a) Parkinson's disease

b) Myasthenia gravis

c) Huntington's chorea

d) Gullian barre syndrome

101. During RPSC examination a nursing student's heart rate became 100 beat/min, after 2 hours HR settles as it was previous, which part of brain settled this

a) Cortex

b) Hypothalamus

c) Medulla oblongata

d) Cerebellum


(102) The brain area which is related with the fear, emotions, pleasure & sorrow is

a) Cortex

b) Cerebellum

c) Limbic system

d) Cranial nerves


Nursing Officer

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