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 Esic staff nurse paper 2nd shift 2016

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Esic staff nurse paper 2nd shift 2016 PDF

Q.1 1000 ml of NS is to be infused in 8 hrs. Nurse calculate rate of flow per minute?

(A) 30 drops

(B) 15 drops

(C) 20 drops

(D) 40 drops

Answer- A

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Q. 2. In the report the nurse is told that one of her patients has been ordered. The nurse is told that one of her patients has been ordered. NPO after midnight. The nurse should?

(A) Take away the water pitcher at midnight

(B) Offer frequent snacks

(C) Note all water patient drinks and all output

(D) Ask patient if he is having any pain

Answer- A

Q. 3. A patient appears more pale than usual. The nurse should?

(A) Note it on the chart

(B) Offer a glass of water

(C) Get the patient a snack

(D) Ask patient how he feels and take patient vital signs immediately

Answer- D

Q 4. which position give nurse place head of the bed in order to obtain the most accurate reading of jugular vein distention?

(A) High-fowler's

(B) Raised 30 degrees

(C) Raised 10 degrees

(D) Supine position

Answer- B

Q. 5. A patient who wishes to leave the hospital prior to the completion of treatment?

(A) May not do so under any circumstances

(B) Must be allowed to do so

(C) May doing so only if doctor agrees

(D) before he/she leaves Must sign a release form

Answer- D

Q. 6. Which of the following organ of the human body is involved in the process of respiration?

(A) Liver

(B) Kidney

(C) Brain

(D) Lungs

Answer- D

Q. 7. Gastric glands are present in the wall of?

(A) Oesophagus

(B) Stomach

(C) Small intestine

(D) Large intestine

Answer- B

Q. 8. The female hormone secreted from the ovary is?

(A) Estrogen


(C) LH

(D) All of the other options

Answer- A

Q.9. Thyroid gland is located?

(A) Near the heart

(B) At the base of the brain

(C) In the neck region

(D) Between stomach and duodenum

Answer- C

Q. 10. In the kidney have large numbers of filtration units called?

(A) Neutrons

(B) Neurons

(C) Neptune

(D) Nephrons

Answer- D

Q. 11. powerhouse of the cell?

(A) Lysosome

(B) Mitochondria

(C) Golgi apparatus

(D) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer- B

Q. 12. Lifespan of human RBC is about......... days?

(A) 45

(B) 120

(C) 80

(D) 180

Answer- B

Q. 13. Which one of the following viruses cause post transfusion hepatitis?

(A) Hepatitis A

(B) Hepatitis B

(C) Hepatitis C

(D) Hepatitis D

Answer- B

Q. 14. Before giving blood transfusion, a nurse must note the date, time of collection and must be aware that packed RBCs can be stored up to?

(A) 25 days

(B) 35 days

(C) 45 days

(D) 55 days

Answer- A

Q.15. The causative organism of cholera is?

(A) Clostridium tetani

(B) Clostridium welchii

(C) Vibrio cholerae

(D) Salmonella typhi

Answer- C

Q. 16. Pre renal failures occur in?

(A) Nephrolithiasis

(B) Heart failure

(C) Toxic nephropathy

(D) Glomerulonephritis

Answer- B

Q. 17. Islets of langerhans are concentrated in which portion of pancreas?

(A) Head

(B) Body

(C) Tail

(D) Uncinate process

Answer- C

Q. 18. H, blocker of choice in liver disease is?

(A) Cimetidine

(B) Ranitidine

(C) Famotidine

(D) Nizatidine

Answer- A

Q. 19. Which of the following medicine will be administered to treat anaphylaxis?

(A) Atropine

(B) Sodium bicarbonate

(C) Digoxin

(D) Epinephrine

Answer- D

Q. 20. Digoxin should not be given if patient is having it?

(A) Bradycardia

(B) Tachycardia

(C) Hypotension

(D) Hypertension

Answer- A

Q. 21. Which among the following is a chemotherapeutic agent?

(A) Mycostatin

(B) Chlorpromazine

(C) Cisplatin

(D) Trihexyphenidyl

Answer- C

Q. 22. Which of the following is not a high risk factor for endometrial carcinoma?

(A) Obesity

(B) Multiparity

(C) Diabetes

(D) Exogenous estrogen

Answer- B

Q. 23. An active male patient who weighs 81.65Kg has undergone dietary instruction. The patient reports that his current diet consists of fat 60g. 5g of sodium and 200mg of cholesterol per day. What does a nurse advise the patient to do?

(A) Increase his cholesterol

(B) Increase his sodium

(C) Decrease his cholesterol

(D) Decrease his sodium

Answer- D

Q.24. A technique used to assess memory function and language dominance before ablative surgery for epilepsy?

(A) Magnetoencephalogram

(B) Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure

(C) Visual evoked potential

(D) Somatosensory evoked potential

Answer- B

Q. 25. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a measure of?

(A) Level of consciousness (LOC)

(B) Neurological assessment

(C) Intracranial pressure (ICP)

(D) Fluid volume

Answer- B

Q. 26. When a client sustains a deep partial-thickness burn because of severe sun burn, the nurse teaches that the best first aid measure is?

(A) Dry, sterile dressings

(B) Cool, moist towels

(C) Analgesic sun burn spray

(D) Vitamin A and D ointment

Answer- B

Q. 27. Which of the following most important tests a nurse checks to determine transplanted kidney is working?

(A) WBC cell count

(B) Renal ultrasound

(C) 24 hour urine output

(D) Serum creatinine level
Answer- D

Q. 28. A client's kidney transplant is transferred from post anesthesia care unit to ICU. nurse in ICU monitor urinary output every ?

(A) 2 hours

(B) 15 minutes

(C) 1Hour

(D) 3 Hours

Answer- C

Q. 29. A client has a total hip arthroplasty. After surgery the nurse should?

(A) Log-roll the client when turning

(B) Elevated the client's affected limb on a pillow

(C) Place a trochanter roll along entire extremity

(D) Keep an abduction pillow between the lags at all times

Answer- D

Q. 30. headache,Fever and nuchal rigidity are classic symptoms of disease?

(A) Parkinson's disease

(B) Alzheimer's disease

(C) Meningomyelocele

(D) Meningitis

Answer- D

Q. 31. Which of the following procedures includes Medical treatment of coronary artery disease ?

(A) Cardiac catheterization

(B) Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

(C) Oral medication administration

(D) Coronary artery bypass surgery

Answer- C

Q. 32. Pulse oximetry is used during endoscopic procedures too?

(A) Monitor the depth of sedation

(B) Measure carbon dioxide retention levels

(C) Reduce required number of nursing officer

(D) Determine arterial blood oxygen saturation

Answer- D

Q. 33. To maximize iron absorption, should patients be advised to take iron supplements?

(A) Before meals

(B) At bedtime

(C) After meals

(D) With meals

Answer- A

Q. 34.most closely linked to aneurysm, Which hereditary disease?

(A) Marfan's syndrome

(B) Lupus erythematosus

(C) Cystic fibrosis

(D) Myocardial infarction

Answer- A

Q. 35. most appropriate nursing response to a myocardial infarction client his fearful of dying?

(A) "Please be assured were doing everything we can to make you feel better” (B) "When the doctor arrives, everything will be fine"

(C) “This is a bad situation but you'll feel better soon"

(D) nurse called Tell me about your feeling right now

Answer- D

Q. 36. Who is considered the father of group therapy?

(A) Joseph Wolpe

(B) Aron Bech

(C) Sigmond Freud

(D) Joseph Pratt

Answer- D

Q. 37. A woman client has a tonic-clonic seizure. 1st priority nursing intervention given during tonic-clonic stage of the seizure?

(A) Turn her on her side

(B) Protect her from injury

(C) Call for additional help

(D) Establish a patent airway

Answer- A

Q. 38. In a psychiatric hospital, a patient with a diagnosis of major depression is tearful and refuses eat dinner after a visit with a friend. most therapeutic for the nurse ?

(A) Allow the client to skip the meal

(B) Provide adequate quiet thinking time

(C) Reinforce the importance of adequate nutrition

(D) Offer the client opportunity to discuss the visit

Answer- D

Q.39. Which of the following for phobic disorders is considered to be most effective and treatment of choice ?

(A) Behaviour therapy

(B) Interpersonal psychotherapy

(C) Family therapy

(D) Psychoanalysis

Answer- D

Q. 40. A psychotherapy technique effective in obsessive ruminations is?

(A) Exposure

(B) Thought stopping

(C) Flooding

(D) Sensitization

Answer- B

Q. 41. Umbilical cord contains?

(A) Umbilicus

(B) Placenta

(C) Discus proligerus

(D) Allantoic artery and vein

Answer- D

Q. 42. The site of fertilization in human is?

(A) Ovary

(B) Uterus

(C) Vagina

(D) Fallopian tube

Answer- D

Q. 43. It is suspected that a newborn may be developing respiratory distress when the nurse observe?

(A) Flaring nares

(B) Acrocyanosis

(C) Abdominal respirations

(D) Respirations of 40 breaths/min

Answer- A

Q. 44. A pregnant women with preeclampsia is receiving medicine magnesium sulphate. What should nurse keep at their bedside to prepare for the possibility of magnesium sulphate toxicity?

(A) Nalline

(B) Oxygen

(C) Suction equipment

(D) Calcium gluconate

Answer- D

Q.45. Gonads develop from embryonic?

(A) Ectoderm

(B) Endoderm

(C) Mesoderm

(D) Both mesoderm and endoderm

Answer- C

Q. 46. Location and secretion of Leydig cells are?

(A) Liver-cholesterol

(B) Ovary-estrogen

(C) Testis-testosterone

(D) Pancreas-glucagon

Answer- C

Q. 47. Freshly released human eggs?

(A) One Y-chromosome

(B) One X-chromosome

(C) Two X-chromosome

(D) One X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome

Answer- B

Q. 48. The nurse administers vitamin K intramuscular injection to a newborn. The purpose of the injection ?

(A) Maintain the intestinal floral count.

(B) Promote proliferation of intestinal flora

(C) Stimulate vitamin K production in the baby

(D) Provide protection until intestinal flora is established newborn

Answer- D

Q. 49. After sperm entered ovum, entry other sperm is prevented by?

(A) Condensation of the yolk

(B) Formation of pigment coat

(C) Development of vitelline membrane

(D) Development of fertilization membrane

Answer- D

Q.50. Testis is not descended into the scrotum is called?

(A) Paedogenesis

(B) Castration

(C) Cryptorchidism

(D) Impotency

Answer- C

Q. 51. all of the following structures rise mesoderm to the fully developed fetus. EXCEPT?

(A) Muscular system

(B) Nervous system

(C) Circulatory system

(D) Gonads

Answer- D

Q. 52. Which one is produced by mesoderm?

(A) Heart and notochord

(B) Heart and brain

(C) Spinal cord and notochord

(D) Brain and notochord

Answer- A

Q. 53. ovulation occurs In a 28 day human ovarian cycle ?

(A) Day 1

(B) Day 5

(C) Day 14

(D) Day 28

Answer- C

Q. 54. Part of sperm involved in penetrating ovum membrane?

(A) Tail

(B) Acrosome

(C) Allosome

(D) Autosome

Answer- B

Q. 55. During phototherapy, the nurse should apply eye patches to the newborn's eyes too?

(A) Be sure the eyes are closed

(B) Reduce overstimulation from bright lights

(C) Prevent injury to the conjunctiva and retina (D) Limit excessive rapid eye movements and anxiety

Answer- C

Q.56. A client is admitted to the hospital in active labor. After an amniotomy, the nurse should expect?

(A) Increased fetal heart rate

(B) Diminished vaginal bleeding

(C) Less discomfort with contractions

(D) Progressive dilation and effacement

Answer- A

Q. 57. Corpus luteum develops from?

(A) Oocyte

(B) Nephrostome

(C) Graffian follicle

(D) None of the other options

Answer- C

Q. 58. Corpus luteum secretes?

(A) LH

(B) Estrogen

(C) Progesterone


Answer- C

Q. 59. Preparation of sperm before penetrating ovum is?

(A) Spermation

(B) Coition

(C) Insemination

(D) Capacitation

Answer- D

Q.60. Fertilized ovum is implanted in the uterus after?

(A) 1 day

(B) 7 days

(C) 8 days

(D) 10 days

Answer- B

Q. 61. The nurse anticipated that initial treatment of an adolescent with anorexia nervosa should specifically include?

(A) Medications to reduce anxiety

(B) Family psychotherapy sessions

(C) Separation from family members

(D) Correction of electrolyte imbalances

Answer- D

Q. 62. A child has cystic fibrosis. The nurse evaluates that the parents understand the dietary regimen for their child when they say they will?

(A) Restrict fluids during mealtimes

(B) Discontinue use of salt when uvoking

(C) Provide high-caloric foods between meals

(D) Eliminate milk and milk products from the dead

Answer- C

Q. 63. nurse assessing chronic hypoxia child, nurse should monitor for?

(A) Clubbing of fingers

(B) Decreased RBC count

(C) Slow, irregular respirations

(D) Subcutaneous hemorrhage

Answer- A

Q. 64. The nurse teaches the parents of a child with severe headache and a stiff neck that the test used to confirm the diagnosis of meningitis in a child is a?

(A) Blood culture

(B) Lumbar puncture

(C) Meningiom Myelogram

(D) Peripheral skin smear

Answer- B

Q. 65. nurse caring for child with very low platelet count related to chemotherapy. a nurse monitors a child's urine for the presence of?

(A) Protein

(B) Glucose

(C) Erythrocytes

(D) Lymphocytes

Answer- C

Q. 66. After receiving immunization for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, a child develops swelling and tenderness at the injection site, low grade fever and malaise. The pediatric nurse informs the child's parents that?

(A) The reaction severe enough that should bring the child to an emergency department

(B) They should delay future immunizations until the child is seen by allergist

(C) This is a mild reaction and nurse teach how to manage it

(D) This is a appropriate reaction and teach them to do nothing

Answer- C

Q. 67. After one hour after birth, the nurse can expect a neonate to be?

(A) Crying and cranky

(B) Hyper Responsive to stimuli

(C) Relaxed and sleeping quietly

(D) Intensely alert with eyes wide open

Answer- C

Q.68 A 5 year old child is brought to the emergency department with a fractured tibia. The nurse know that in children of this age, the most frequently encountered type of fracture is classified as?

(A) Greenstick

(B) Transverse

(C) Compound

(D) Comminuted

Answer- A

Q. 69. Which of the flowing behaviour should nurse recognize the moro reflex response?

(A) Extension of the arms

(B) Adduction of the arms

(C) Abduction and then adduction of the arms

(D) Extension the legs and fanning of the toes

Answer- A

Q 70. Within 3 minutes after birth the heart rate of a healthy, alert neonate may range between?

(A) 120 and 180 beats/min

(B) 130 and 170 beats/min

(C) 110 and 160 beats/min

(D) 100 and 130 beats/min

Answer- C

Q. 71. At 11 hours of age a infant has large amount of mucus and becomes cyanotic. What should nurse doing first?

(A) Suction

(B) Administer oxygen

(C) Record the incident

(D) Insert a nasogastric tube

Answer- A

Q. 72. A newborn has whitish, smal, pinpoint spots over nose. which nurse knows are caused by retained sebaceous secretions. When charting this observation, nurse identifies called ?

(A) Milia

(B) Lanugo

(C) Whiteheads

(D) Mongolian spots

Answer- A

Q. 73. What type immunity transferred to fetus through placenta?

(A) Active natural immunity

(B) Passive natural immunity

(C) Active artificial immunity

(D) Passive artificial immunity

Answer- B

Q.74. Closure of the newborn's foramen ovale is caused by?

(A) A decrease in the aortic blood flow

(B) A decrease in pressure in the left atrium

(C) An increase in the pulmonary blood flow

(D) An increase in pressure in right atrium

Answer- C

Q. 75. After birth a healthy neonate, does ductus arteriosus change ?

(A) Vesical ligament

(B) Venous ligament

(C) Ligamentum teres

(D) Ligamentum arteriosum

Answer- D

Q. 76. What is the primary critical observation for Apgar scoring?

(A) Heart rate

(B) Respiratory rate

(C) Presence of meconium

(D) Evaluation of moro reflex

Answer- A

Q. 77. a nurse explains to a woman that breastfeeding always contraindicated with?

(A) Mastitis

(B) Hepatitis C

(C) Inverted nipples

(D) Herpes genitalis

Answer- A

Q. 78. A newborn is diagnosed as having Erb's palsy. The nurse is aware that this problem is caused by?

(A) A disease acquired in utero

(B) An X-linked inheritance pattern

(C) A tumor arising from muscle tissue

(D) An injury to the brachial plexus during birth

Answer- D

Q. 79. During a vaccination drive at a well-baby clinic, a nurse observes that a recently hired nurse is not wearing gloves. The nurse should advise the newly hired nurse to?

(A) Speak with the nurse manager regarding techniques

(B) Put on gloves due to standard precautions are required

(C) Continue with the immunizations since gloves are not needed

(D) Evaluate the Child's appearance to determine whether gloves are needed

Answer- B

Q. 80. Play during infancy is important because it enhances?

(A) Social development

(B) Physical development

(C) Cognitive development

(D) Emotional development

Answer- B

Q. 81. The bacillus that causes plague is called?

(A) Yersinia pestis

(B) Fusobacterium clostridioforme

(C) S. aureus

(D) C. perfringens

Answer- A

Q. 82. Immediate treatment of dog bite?

(A) Send the hospital

(B) Application of antiseptic

(C) Wash the wound with soap and water

(D) Suturing

Answer- C

Q. 83. The stools of cholera are?

(A) Green

(B) Yellow

(C) Rice water

(D) Normal

Answer- C

Q. 84. Rabies is transmitted by the bite of?

(A) Anopheles mosquito

(B) Culex mosquito

(C) Flies

(D) A rabid dog

Answer- D

Q. 85. Important objectives of health services are?

(A) Prevention of diseases

(B) Promotion of health

(C) Cure from the diseases

All of the other options

Answer- D

Q. 86. Copper T is contraindicated during?

(A) Pregnancy

(B) Pelvic infections

(C) Heart diseases

(D) All of the other options

Answer- D

Q. 87. Why should you cover burns with a clean or sterile dressing?

(A) To prevent infection

(B) To cool burned area

(C) To keep the burned area warm

(D) Both to prevent infection and to keep the burned area warm

Answer- A

Q. 88. Anaemia is commonly seen in the following women?

(A) Child bearing women

(B) Multi parity women

(C) Lower income group

(D) All

Answer- B

Q. 89. when caring for bleeding wounds patient, Which is the first step ?

(A) Apply direct pressure with a clean sterile dressing

(B) Apply pressure at the pressure point

(C) Add bulgy dressings to reinforce blood soaked bandages.

(D) Elevate the wound

Answer- A

Q. 90. A disease caused by treponema pallidum is?

(A) Syphilis (B) Polio (C) Gonorrhea (D) Mumps

Answer- A

Q. 91. Which is isotonic solution?

(A) Lactated Ringers

(B) Half-Normal Saline

(C) One-Third Normal Saline

(D) Mannitol

Answer- A

Q. 92. Which of the following is a first line medicine used for pain management?

(A) Morphine

(B) Clonidine

(C) Acetaminophen

(D) Ketamine

Answer- C

Q. 93. Which of the following minerals should be taken by a child suffering from rickets?

(A) Potassium

(B) Calcium

(C) Sodium

(D) Iron

Answer- B

Q. 94. ASHA stands for?

(A) Accredited Social Health Activist (B) Associated Society Health Agent (C) Ashram Social Health Agent (D) Accredited Social Home Agent

Answer- A

Q. 95. Full form of DOTS?

(A) Directly observed short course therapy

(B) Developed observed short course treatment

(C) Detailed observed treatment course

(D) Detailed unobserved treatment services

Answer- A

Q. all given below posted a ASHA worker except?

(A) Community centers

(B) Super speciality hospital

(C) Field visits

(D) Sub centers

Answer- B

Q. 97. Severe dehydration sign and symptoms?

(A) Sunken fontanels

(B) Over eating

(C) Bleeding from any open orifice

(D) Increased urine output

Answer- A

Q. 98. HIV is transmitted through except?

(A) Hand shaking

(B) Blood transfusion

(C) Mother to baby

(D) Sexual intercourse

Answer- A

Q. 99. One PHC caters to...............population?

(A) 10,000-20,000

(B) 3,000-5,000 (C) 20,000-30,000 (D) 30,000-1,20,000

Answer- C

Q.100. At which level of the Health Organisation, is the DGHS?

(A) State Level

(B) District Level

(C) Village Level

(D) Central Level do

Answer- D

Q.101. The altitude of Mt. Everest is?

(A) 7750 m

(B) 16780 m

(C) 6170 m

(D) 8850 m

Answer- D

Q.102. Blood Pressure is controlled by?

(A) Corpus Luteum

(B) Adrenal Gland

(C) Thymus

(D) Thyroid Gland

Answer- B

Q.103. The metro which hasn't undergone a name change since independence?

(A) Delhi

(B) Chennai

(C) Calcutta

(D) Mumbai

Answer- A

Q.104. IC-Chips for computers are usually made up of?

(A) Lead

(B) Chromium

(C) Silicon

(D) Titanium

Answer- C

Q.105. Which bank is the world's largest bank by assets?

(A) Bank of America

(B) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

(C) BNP Paribas

(D) Bank of China

Answer- B

Q.106. Silver revolution is concerned with?

(A) Milk

(B) Agriculture

(C) Metal

(D) Egg

Answer- A

Q.107. Which one is different?





Answer- D

Q.108. Which two months in a year can have the same order?

(A) June, October

(B) October, December

(C) April, July

(D) April, November

Answer- C

Q.109 8 Kilometre is equal to 5 miles. The fraction useful in converting kilometers to miles is.............?

(A) 5/8

(B) 8/5

(C) 5/3

(D) 3/5

Answer- A

Q.110. Rearrange the following letters to make a meaningful word. VTEARHS?

(A) 6541723

(B) 6541372

(C) 6451732

(D) 6451372

Answer- D

Q.111. Find the odd one out?

(A) August

(B) June

(C) January

(D) October

Answer- B

Q.112. If 'n' denotes x 'b' denotes +, 'c' denotes + and 'd' denotes........? then 36b9a6d5c5 = ?

(A) 26

(B) 25

(C) 20

(D) 24

Answer- D

Q.113. The square root of 0.15 x 0.35 x 0.21 is.................?

(A) 0.0105

(B) 0.105

(C) 105

(D) 105

Answer- B

Q.114. The average mark obtained by the students in Science paper is 39. If four of the students who actually obtained 5, 12, 15 And 19 marks, had not been sent up the average mark would have been 44 to find the number of boys?

(A) 25

(B) 23

(C) 24

(D) 20

Answer- A

Q.115. If 10 men working together can finish a job in 12 days, then the number of days taken by 12 of the same capacity to finish the job is...........

(A) 12

(B) 10

(C) 15

(D) 20

Answer- B

Q.116. RAM deposits in a bank a certain amount every month without break for 12 months. bank pays him at end of the period RS 616.25. If the interest is 5% per annum. The sum deposited each month is...............?

(A) RS 25.90

(B) RS 48.90

(C) RS 15.90

(D) RS 10.90

Answer- B

Q.117. There are 30 girls in a hostel and the average age is 15 years one month. Three new girls are put in this hostel, which makes the average age to be 15 years and 2 months. One new girl is aged 16 years, the other two are twins. How old are the twins?

(A) 15 years

(B) 14 years

(C) 17 years

(D) 16 years

Answer- A

Q.118. A and B are two different alloys of copper and silver prepared by mixing in metals in the proportions 7:2 and 7:11 respectively. If equal quantities of the alloys are melted to form a new alloy C. find proportion of copper and silver in C?

(A) 5.7

(B) 2:7

(C) 7:5

(D) 6:5

Answer- C

Q.119. In a den there are some pigeons and rabbits. If they have 20 heads and 48 feet then the number rabbits are...............?

(A) 8

(B) 6

(C) 2

(D) 4

Answer- D

Q.120. Pointing to a man, a woman says, “This man's son's sister is my mother-in-law”. How is the woman's husband related to the man?

(A) Son

(B) Grandson
(C) Son-in-law

(D) Brother

Answer- B

Q.121. If 1234567 denotes READING, what would 4566567 mean?





Answer- A

Q.122. A, B, C, and D were playing cards sitting in a circle. A was right to B and C was ten one of the following pairs were the partners?

(A) C and B

(B) B and A

(C) C and A

(D) B and D

Answer- A

Q.123. Clect the related word from the given alternatives? GHOSTS : HGSOST :: NUMBER : ?





Answer- B

Q.124. Sonu ranks16th from the top in a class of 49 students. What is her rank from the bottom

(A) 32

(B) 36

(C) 34

(D) 33

Answer- C

Q.125. How often are the hands of a clock at 90 degrees (right angle) every day?

(A) 44

(B) 22

(C) 42

(D) 24

Answer- A

Nursing Officer

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