Urinary system quiz / Renal system quizlet

 Urinary system quiz / Renal system quizlet

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Q. Identify the Diagram ?

a) Phimosis

b) hypospadias

c) epispadias

d) none


Respiratory system mcq questions / Quiz - https://www.nursingofficer.net/2021/04/respiratory-system-mcq-questions.html

Q. Identify the Diagram which procedure ?

a) HoLEP

b) lithotomy

c) lithotripsy



Q.3. The most common cause of ARF is

a) Hypovolumia

b) Acute tubular necrosis

c) Burn

d) Renal stone

Correct answer - B

Q.4. Which is not a condition occurs in a case of chronic renal failure (AIIMS, PATNA,2015)

a) Anaemia

b) Hypokalemia

c) Hypocalcemia

d) Hyperphosphatemia

Correct answer - B

Q. 5. Staghorn calculus is a large calculus of—

a) Gallbladder

b) Pancreas

c) Prostate

d) Kidney

Correct answer - D

Q.6. The functional unit of a kidney is -

a) Neurone

b) Nephron

c) Loop of henle

d) Glomerulus

Correct answer - B

Q.7 Mesangial cells are

a) Macrophages of kidney

b) Glial cells of brain

c) Epithelial cells of glomerulus

d) Water absorbing cells of kidney

Correct answer - A

Q.8. The normal urinary output per day is

a) 700 ml

b) 1200 ml

c) 1800 ml

d) 2500 ml

Correct answer - B

Q. 9. The water composition of urine is

a) 95 %

b) 96 %

c) 97%

d) 98%

Correct answer - B

Q.10. The urinary Ph is -

a) Neutral

b) Alkaline

c) Acidic

d) Strong acidic

Correct answer - C

Q.11. Detrusor muscle is found in

a) Uterus

b) Urinary bladder

c) Heart

d) Stomach

Correct answer - B

Q.12. Oliguria is a condition in which urinary output decreases

a) 50 ml/day

b) 150 ml/day

c) 300 ml/day

d) 400 ml/day

Correct answer - D

Q.13. Laboratory findings shows urinary specific gravity 1.068, a nurse explain to a client that

a) This is normal range

b) Your urine is more concentrated

c) Your urine is less concentrated

d) None of above

Correct answer - B

Q.14. The GFR of an healthy adult should be

a) 125ml/hr

b) 125ml/min

c) 125ml/sec

d) 125dl/sec

Correct answer - B

Q.15. The weight of a kidney is

a) 50 gm

b) 100 gm

c) 150 gm

d) 200 gm

Correct answer - C

Q.16. A student ask to a nurse educator, where first time edema appear in nephritic syndrome, the right answer given by educator is

a) Ankle

b) Pericardial

c) Periorbital

d) Per Abdomen

Correct answer - C

Q. 17. Pyelonephritis is a term means

a) Inflammation of renal pelvis

b) Inflammation of nephron

c) Swelling in kidney

d) Pus formation in kidney

Correct answer - A

Q.18. The anatomical location of kidney is

a) C5 to T2

b) T12 to L3

c) L1 to L5

d) C5 to T3

Correct answer - B

Q.19. Which is not synthesised by the kidneys

a) Rennin

b) Erythropoietin

c) Vit-D

d) Renin

Correct answer - A

Q. 20. Inflammation of urinary bladder is

a) Ureteritis

b) Cystitis

c) Urethritis

d) Nephritis

Correct answer - B

Q.21. The most common causative organism of cystitis is

a) E.coli

b) Gonorrhea

c) Chlamydia

d) Group A streptococci

Correct answer - A

Q. 22.A patient is on prednisolone therapy, what laboratory investigation a nurse would suggest to patient

a) Blood sugar & Kion

b) ABG

c) Serum electrolytes

d) Urine culture

Correct answer - A

Q.23. Stevens-johnsons syndrome is a

a) Hypersensitivity response to sulphonamides

b) Auto-immune response of body

c) Inflammation of bowmans capsule

d) Chromosomal abnormality

Correct answer - A

Q.24. Increased BUN to a level without having any toxic impact on body is called as

a) Uremia

b) Azotaemia

c) Nitraemia

d) Septicemia

Correct answer - B

Q. 25. Which is not a feature of nephritic syndrome

a) Proteinuria

b) Hyperlipidemia

c) Edema

d) Hypoalbuminemia

Correct answer - D

Q. 26. The early sign of BPH is

a) Urinary urgency & frequency

b) Nocturia

c) Decrease length & force of urinary stream

d) Dysuria & bladder pain

Correct answer - C

Q.27 The characteristics of renal tumor is

a) Painful haematuria

b) Painless hematuria

c) Dribbling incontinence

d) Urinary retention & bladder distension

Correct answer - B

Q.28. Polycystic kidney disease is a -

a) Autosomal recessive trait

b) Autosomal dominant trait

c) Both

d) None of above

Correct answer - B

Q.29. Which is not a feature of Nephrotic Syndrome

a) Proteinuria

b) Hyperalbuminemia

c) Hypoproteinemia

d) Hyperlipidemia

Correct answer - B

Q. 30. Which is not an adverse effect of steroid therapy

a) Hyperglycemia

b) Increased immunity power of body

c) Hirsutism

d) Osteoporosis

Correct answer - B

Q.31. Which is not an appropriate action taken against a 6 year old child had bed wetting problem

a) Limit fluid intake while going to sleep

b) Punish for child behavior

c) Use positive reward system for expected behavior.

d) None of these

Correct answer - B

Q.32. A client is diagnosed as Glomerulonephritis, what history he may give to a nurse

a) Suffered from pharyngitis 2-3 weeks ago

b) Cola-colored urine

c) Less urinary output

d) All of above

Correct answer - D

Q.33. What medications should be advised to a client planned renal transplant lifelong

a) Immunostimulant

b) Immunosuppressant

c) ATT

d) ART

Correct answer - B

Q. 34. The time between cessation of blood supply to kidney & transplantation to recipient is

a) Incubation time

b) Cold necrosis time

c) Cold ischaemic time

d) Organ donation time

Correct answer - C

Q.35. The maximum transplantation time of kidney is

a) 6 hours

b) 48 hours

c) 72 hours

d) 100 hours

Correct answer - C

Q.36. Which is the primary cause of death in the first year post renal transplant

a) Hypovolemic shock

b) Infection

c) Hypertension

d) Diabetes mellitus


Q.37. The major postoperative complication of renal transplant is

a) Infection

b) Graft rejection

c) ARF

d) Uraemia

Correct answer - B

38. Which problem of renal failure can lead in to dysrhythmia

a) Hyponatremia

b) Hyperkalemia

c) Hypocalcemia

d) Hyperphosphatemia

Correct answer - B

Q.39. Uremic frost develop in late stage of renal failure, how a nurse can explain it to a patient - a) Its a smell from mouth

b) Passage of urea crystals from urine

c) Deposit of urate crystals under skin

d) Calculi of kidney

Correct answer - C

Q.40. The kidney should be transplanted in

a) Cranial fossa

b) Spinal fossa

c) Iliac fossa

d) Post lumber lesion

Correct answer - C

Q. 41. Which kind of urine is required for urine culture & sensitivity

a) 24 hour collected urine

b) Midstream urine

c) First voided urine

d) Urine passed in laboratory

Correct answer - B

Q.42. Before cystoscopy, a nurse should inform to a person that after procedure normally you may have

a) Leg cramps

b) Burning urination

c) Bright red urine

d) A&B

Correct answer - D

Q.43. Renal biopsy is planned for a patient, which position you will provide for biopsy

a) Prone

b) Supine

c) Lithotomy

d) Left lateral

Correct answer - A

Q.44. In the management of ARF all should be done except

a) Monitor urinary intake & output hourly

b) Provide high carbohydrate & low protein diet

c) Restrict K intake

d) Increase fluid intake

Correct answer - D

Q.45. In metabolic acidosis which kind of breathing pattern present

a) Deep breathing

b) Kussmauls breathing

c) Pursed-lip breathing

d) Slow breathing

Correct answer - B

Q. 46. Which is not a phase of ARF

a) Oliguric

b) Diuretic

c) Transitional

d) Recovery

Correct answer - C

Q. 47. The epispadias is a condition in which urethra opens at

a) Dorsal surface of penis

b) Ventral surface

c) Center

d) Lateral

Correct answer - A

Q.48. Mesangial cells are the macrophages present in

a) Lungs

b) Brain

c) Kidney

d) Intestine

Correct answer - C

Q.49. All are true about CRF except

a) Irreversible loss of kidney function

b) GFR less than 60ml/min for 3 month

c) Hypocalcaemia

d) Hypokalemia

Correct answer - D

Q.50. A CRF patient ask to a nurse ,why doctor advice for inj.epoetin s/c,the most accurate answer given by nurse is

a) To promote maturity of RBC

b) To improve oliguria

c) To manage high K level

d) To manage hypertension

Correct answer - A

Q.51. After reading a laboratory report, which firding helped the doctor to diagnose a streptococcal infection

a) Antistreptolysin O titer

b) Elevated WBC

c) Presence of HLA antigen

d) None of above

Correct answer - A

Q.52. Uraemia term can be defined as

a) Increase BUN without toxic effect

b) Increase BUN having toxic effect

c) RBC in urine

d) A type of anemia

Correct answer - A

Q. 53. The most common causative organism cf urethritis is

a) E.coli

b). Toxoplasma

c) Rubella

d) Gonorrhea

Correct answer - D

Q.54. Which drug is contraindicated in CRF

a) Ca-gluconate

b) Glucose with insulin

c) Aspirin

d) Asthalin nebulization

Correct answer - C

Q.55. All are management in hyperkalemia except

a) Sodium Bicarbonate

b) Kayexalate

c) Ringer lactate

d) Ca-gluconate

Correct answer - C

Q.56. Which is not a principle of hemodialysis

a) Photoisomerization

b) Ultrafiltration

c) Diffusion

d) Osmosis

Correct answer - A

Q.57. Which is an appropriate measure to determine fluid loss during dialysis,

a) Strictly maintain I/O chart

b) Take weight pre & post-dialysis

c) Calculate output

d) None of these

Correct answer - B

Q.58. The erythropoietic organ of human body is (AIIMS 2010)

a) Heart

b) Lung

c) Liver

d) Kidney

Correct answer - D

Q. 59. For creatinine clearance, what type of urine should be Collected

a) 24 hour collected urine

b) Midstream urine

c) First voided urine

d) Urine passed in laboratory

Correct answer - A

Q.60. Vanillylmandelic acid( VMA) test is a

a) Blood investigation

b) CSF investigation

c) Urine investigation

d) Blood culture

Correct answer - C

Q.61, Doctor plan for cystoscopy of a person, which position you will provide to that person

a) Supine recumbent

b) Prone

c) Knee-chest

d) Lithotomy

Correct answer - D

Q.62. The capillary network of the nephron is known as

a) Bɔwmen's capsule

b) Henle loop

c) Glomerulus

d) Pelvis

Correct answer - C

Q.63. A child brought to COPD diagnosed as Glomerulonephritis may have the history of

a) Recent blood transfusion

b) Upper respiratory infection

c) Severe diarrhea

d) Injury to head

Correct answer - B

Q.64. The increased level of nitrogenous waste in blood without any significant toxic effect on body is called as

a) Azotemia

b) Uremia

c) Nitraemia

d) Septicemia

Correct answer - A

Q.65. A child develops azotemia due to impaired renal function, which dietary content should be restricted for that child

a) Carbohydrates

b) Protein

c) Fat

d) Vitamine K

Correct answer - B

Q.66. To determine the fluid alteration in a child the most effective method used by a ward sister is

a) ABG analysis

b) Assess skin for dryness

c) Assess level of consciousness

d) Regularly weight measurement

Correct answer - D

Q.67. Urolithiasis is a term used for calculi in

a) Kidney

b) Ureter

c) Bladder

d) Urethra

Correct answer - D

Q.68. The drug of choice in urinary calculi is

a) Prednisolone

b) Metoprolol

c) Allopurinol

d) Diamox

Correct answer - C

Q.69. A client has uric acid stone, what type of dict a nurse will suggest to client

a) Acid-ash foods

b) Alkaline-ash foods

c) High purine foods

d) Low methionine diet

Correct answer - B

Q.70. The best age period for surgery of a child with cryptorchidism is

a) At birth

b) Infancy

c) Toddler

d) Preschool

Correct answer - C

Q. Identify the Diagram which procedure?

a) urinary dipstick

b) bladder biopsy

c) bladder irrigation

d) urinary Catheterization


Q. Identify the Diagram ?

a) urinary dipstick

b) bladder irrigation syringe

c) karman cannula

d) none


Q. Identify the Diagram ?

a) anesthesia machine

b) dialysis machine

c) ventilator machine

d) dryer machine


Q. Identify the disease puffy eyes symptoms in Diagram ?

a) thyroid symptoms

b) kwashiorkor symptoms

c) nephrotic syndrome symptoms

d) uric acid symptoms


Q. Identify the Diagram ?

a) plastic biliary stent

b) abbott stent

c) DJ stent

d) transhepatic biliary stent


Q. Identify the Diagram ?

a) blood bag

b) colostomy bag

c) Urinary Drainage Bag

d) none


Q. Identify the Diagram ?

a) epidural catheter

b) dialysis catheter

c) condom catheter

d) none


Q. Identify in Diagram 3 way catheter ?

a) A

b) B

b) C

b) D


Q. Identify precautions for nephrolithotomy in Diagram ?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) none


Q. Identify Ureteroscopy in Diagram ?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) none


Q.1. The total capacity of urinary bladder is

a) 500 ml

b) 1000 ml

c) 1500 ml

d) 2000 ml

Correct answer - A

Q. 2. The normal range of serum creatinine is

a) 8 to 25 mg/ml

b) 2.5 to 8mg/ml

c) 0.6 to 1.3 mg/ml

d) 1.5 to 3 mg/ml

Correct answer - C

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