kerala psc staff nurse question papers and answers

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Q.1 The World Health Day is celebrated on -

(a) April 1th

(b) April 7th

(c) April 17th

(d) April 30th

Answer- B

Q.2 modern nursing founder

(a) Florence Nightingale

(b) Faye g. Abdellah

(c) Imogene King

(d) Betty Newman

Answer- A

Q.3 Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of

(a) Vitamin-D

(b) Vitamin-C

(c) Vitamin-B

(d) Vitamin-A

Answer- D

Q.4 Tuberculosis is caused by -

(a) Corynebacterium

(b) Streptococci

(c) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

(d) Pneumococci

Answer- C

Q.5 Infection transmitted between individuals infected with different pathogenic organisms is -

(a) Contamination

(b) Colonization

(c) Cross infection

(d) Concurrent infection

Answer- C

Q.6 The urine specific gravity is -

(a) 1.016 to 1.025

(b) 1.027 to 1.032

(c) 1.037 to 1.039

(d) 1.041 to 1.049

Answer- A

Q.7 Abnormal increase in the volume of urine is termed as -

(a) Dysuria

(b) Anuria

(c) Oliguria

(d) Polyuria

Answer- D

Q.8 The inflammation of middle ear is termed as

(a) Otitis externa

(b) Otitis media

(c) Adenitis

(d) Sinusitis

Answer- B

Q.9 The term used to denote loss of Appetite is

(a) Alopecia

(b) Anuria

(c) Anoxia

(d) Anorexia

Answer- D

Q.10 The concentration of dettol used to disinfect thermometer is -

(a) 1:20

(b) 1:40

(c) 1: 80

(d) 1:100

Answer- B

Q.11 The microscope is invented by -

(a) Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek

(b) Louis Pasteur

(c) Louis Joblot

(d) Robert Koch

Answer- A

Q.12 smallest unit

(a) Atom

(b) Compound

(c) Element

(d) Mineral

Answer- A

Q.13 The pH value of blood is -

(a) 7.15 to 7.25

(b)7.30 to 7.35

(c) 7.35 to 7.45

(d) 7.55 to 7.65

Answer- C

Q.14 The pacemaker of the heart -

(a) AV node

(b) Purkinje fibres

(c) Bundle of His

(d) SA node

Answer- D

Q.15 The cardiac output in a healthy adult at rest -

(a) 2 litres

(b) 3 litres

(c) 4 litres

(d) 5 litres

Answer- D

Q.16 The largest organ in our body is -

(a) Brain

(b) Skin

(c) Liver

(d) Large intestine

Answer- B

Q.17 Which of the following data collection methods covers the entire population of the country?

(a) Vital registration

(b) Sampling Registration

(c) Census

(d) Sample surveys

Answer- C

Q.18 The solution used to detect sugar in the urine is -

(a) Benedict's reagent

(b) Nitric acid

(c) Liquor ammonia

(d) Sodium nitroprusside

Answer- A

Q.19 The hormone responsible for the secondary sex characteristics in females is -

(a) Progesterone

(b) Oestrogen

(c) Androgen

(d) Relaxin

Answer- B

Q.20 The largest artery in human body -

(a) Cerebral artery

(b) Pulmonary artery

(c) Aorta

(d) Femoral artery

Answer- C

Q.21 One mL contains -

(a) 10 drops

(b) 15 drops

(c) 20 drops

(d) 25 drops

Answer- B

Q.22 Write medical term of an accumulation of blood in the uterus -

(a) Hematometra

(b) Hematometry

(c) Hematomyelia

(d) Hematoma

Answer- A

Q.23 The pigment responsible for skin colour is -

(a) Arginine

(b) Alanin

(c) Methionin

(d) Melanin

Answer- D

Q.24 Inflammation of the tongue is termed as -

(a) Glossitis

(b) Parotitis

(c) Gingivitis

(d) Stomatitis

Answer- A

Q.25 Which of the following diseases is not covered under the Universal Immunisation programme?

(a) Hepatitis B

(b) Mumps

(c) Diphtheria

(d) Measles

Answer- B

Q.26 The most effective method of sterilization is

(a) Burning

(b) Boiling

(c) Use of hot air

(d) Autoclaving

Answer- D

Q.27 The cheapest source of Vitamin-A -

(a) Fish liver oil

(b) Butter

(c) Egg

(d) Green leafy vegetables

Answer- D

Q.28 Which vitamin is a water soluble ?

(a) Vitamin-B

(b) Vitamin-A

(c) Vitamin-D

(d) Vitamin-K

Answer- A

Q.29 Which among the following is a live vaccine?

(a) BCG

(b) Cholera

(c) Diphtheria

(d) Tetanus

Answer- A

Q.30 Which of the following communicable diseases are completely eradicated in India?

(a) TB

(b) Polio

(c) Smallpox

(d) Filariasis

Answer- C

Q.31 The World AIDS day is celebrated on -

(a) December 1st

(b) December 10th

(c) December 14th

(d) December 31th

Answer- A

Q.32 A sudden severe attack of shivering in which the body temperature rises rapidly to a stage of hyper-pyrexia -

(a) Pyrexia

(b) Rigor

(c) Swinging fever

(d) Inverse fever

Answer- B

Q.33 The number of pulse beats in a minute is known as -

(a) Rhythm

(b) Volume

(c) Tension

(d) Rate

Answer- D

Q.34 Increased respiratory rate over 24 breaths per minute is termed as -

(a) Apnoea

(b) Bradypnoea

(c) Tachypnoea

(d) Orthopnoea

Answer- C

Q.35 The lack of oxygen in the tissue is termed as

(a) Dyspnoea

(b) Asphyxia

(c) Anoxaemia

(d) Anoxia

Answer- D

Q.36 The instrument used to measure blood pressure is -

(a) Barometer

(b) Sphygmomanometer

(c) Tonometer

(d) Audiometer

Answer- B

Q.37 Total cessation of breathing is termed as -

(a) Apnoea

(b) Hypercapnia

(c) Eupnea

(d) Bradypnea

Answer- A

Q.38 which gland largest in the body -

(a) Thyroid

(b) Liver

(c) Pancreas

(d) Parotid gland

Answer- B

Q.39 Infancy is a period from -

(a) 0-1 year

(b) 1 - 3 years

(c) 3 - 6 years

(d) 6 - 12 years

Answer- A

Q.40 Cessation of menstruation is termed as -

(a) Menarche

(b) Thelarche

(c) Menopause

(d) Puberty

Answer- C

Q.41 How many calories will be obtained from one gram of fat ?

(a) 4 calories

(b) 12 calories

(c) 9 calories

(d) 15 calories

Answer- C

Q.42 The method of transfer of heat directly through a substance from the hot part to the cold part, from one molecule to the other is known as Ins.

(a) Convection

(b) Evaporation

(c) Radiation

(d) Conduction

Answer- D

Q.43 The formula to convert Fahrenheit scale to Celsius scale:

(a) C=(F-32)× 5/9

(b) C= (F +32) ×5/9

(c) C= (F-32) 9/5

(d) C = (F+32) 9/5

Answer- A

Q.44 A sudden return to normal temperature from a very high temperature within a few hours or day is termed as -

(a) Crisis

(b) Lysis

(c) Decline

(d) Fastiglum

Answer- A

Q.45 The normal range of pulse rate in an adult is

(a) 50-60/mt

(b) 60 - 70/mt

(c) 70-80/mt

(d) 110-115/mt

Answer- C

Q.46 The abnormal condition of the vertebral column characterized by increased convexity in the thoracic spine is known as -

(a) Opisthotonus

(b) Scoliosis

(c) Lordosis

(d) Kyphosis

Answer- D

Q.47 The type of bed made for a client who cannot get out of the bed -

(a) Occupied bed

(b) Cardiac bed

(c) Open bed

(d) Closed bed

Answer- a

Q.48 An agent that inhibits the growth of bacteria is

(a) Bactericide

(b) Fomite

(c) Bacteriostat

(d) Antipyretic

Answer- C

Q.49 The condition in which blood pressure is low associated with weakness or fainting when rises to an erect position ---

(a) Hypotension

(b) Postural hypotension

(c) Hypertension

(d) Secondary hypertension

Answer- B

Q.50 The state of complete physical, mental, social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity is termed as -

(a) Illness

(b) Health

(c) Wellness

(d) Equilibrium

Answer- B

Q.51 A small bone to which the tongue is attached

(a) Maxillary

(b) Ethmoid

(c) Frontal

(d) Hyoid

Answer- D

Q.52 Koplik's spot is seen in -

(a) Measles

(b) Mumps

(c) Rubella

(d) Tetanus

Answer- A

Q.53 German measles is also known as -

(a) Measles

(b) Rubella

(c) Mumps

(d) Polio

Answer- B

Q.54 Bordetella pertussis causes -

(a) Diphtheria

(b) Influenza

(c) Tetanus

(d) Whooping cough

Answer- D

Q.55 The test used in the diagnosis of TB is -

(a) Hey's test

(b) Rothera's test

(c) Schick test

(d) Mantoux test

Answer- D

Q.56 The Vaccine used in the prevention of tuberculosis is -

(a) BCG

(b) DPT

(c) TT

(d) MMR Vaccine

Answer- A

Q.57 Fertilizable life span of Oocyte -

(a) 6 to 12 hrs

(b) 12 to 24 hours

(c) 24 to 48 hours

(d) 48 to 72 hrs

Answer- B

Q.58 According to ICD. Hansen's disease will come under

(a) Infectious and parasitic disease

(b) Neoplasm

(c) Disease of the blood and blood forming organs

(d) Disease of the nervous system

Answer- A

Q.59 Fertilization occurs in

(a) Fallopian tube

(b) Ovary

(c) Uterus

(d) Cervix

Answer- A

Q.60 Implantation of the fertilised ovum occurs in the endometrium on -

(a) 4th day

(b) 5th day

(c) 6th day

(d) 9th day

Answer- C

Q.61 The endometrium during pregnancy is termed as -

(a) Inner cell mass

(b) Chorion

(c) Trophoblast

(d) Decidua

Answer- D

Q.62 The amniotic fluid volume reaches its peak at

(a) 36 - 38 weeks

(b) 34 - 36 weeks

(c) 28 - 34 weeks

(d) 26 - 28 weeks

Answer- A

Q.63 The umbilical cord contains -

(a) One artery and two veins

(b) 2 arteries

(c) 2 arteries and one vein

(d) 2 arteries and two veins

Answer- C

Q..64 The average weight of a newborn in India -

(a) 2 kg to 2.5 kg

(b) 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg

(c) 3.5 kg to 4 kg

(d) 4 kg to 4.5 kg

Answer- B

Q.65 The weight of a uterus in the non pregnant state:

(a) 30 gm

(b) 40 gm

(c) 60 gm

(d) 70 gm

Answer- C

Q.66 The net maternal weight gain during pregnancy

(1) 6-8kg

(b) 8 10 kg

(c) 10-12 kg

(d) 12-14 kg

Answer- C

Q.67 The stage of labour which starts from the onset of true labour pain and ends with full dilatation of cervix

(a) 1th stage

(b) 2 stage

(c) 3 stage

(d) 4 stage

Answer- A

Q.68 during puerperium vaginal discharge for the first fortnight -

(a) Bleeding

(b) Lochia

(c) Show

(d) Menstruation

Answer- B

Q.69 The process by which secondary oocyte is released from the ovary following rupture of a mature Grafian follicle is termed as -

(a) Oogenesis

(b) Spermatogenesis

(c) Menstruation

(d) Ovulation

Answer- D

Q.70 The blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood from placenta to the fetus -

(a) Uterine artery

(b) Hypogastric artery

(c) Umbilical artery

(d) Umbilical vein

Answer- D

Q.71 The weight of placenta at term -

(a) 200 gm

(b) 500 gm

(c) 900 gm

(d) 1000 gm

Answer- B

Q.72 The blood group termed as universal donor is -

(a) A group

(b) B group

(c) O group

(d) AB group

Answer- C

Q.73 The normal random blood sugar level is - ns.

(a) 160-180 mg%

(b) 140 - 160 mg%

(c) 120 - 140 mg%

(d) 80 - 120 mg%

Answer- D

Q.74 Who discovered the bacillus of tuberculosis?

(a) Louis Pasteur

(b) Neisser

(c) Robert Koch

(d) Hansen

Answer- C

Q.75 Bacteria that are spherical or oval in shape:

(a) Cocci

(b) Bacilli

(c) Vibrio

(d) Spirilla

Answer- A

Q.76 Cross infections occurring in hospitals are called -

(a) Focal infection

(b) Nosocomial infection

(c) Endogenous infection

(d) Exogenous infection

Answer- B

Q.77 A person who harbours the pathogen but has never suffered from the disease caused by the pathogen is known as -

(a) Healthy carrier

(b) Convalescent carrier

(c) Chronic carrier

(d) Contact carrier

Answer- A

Q.78 Pathogens cross the placental barrier and infect the fetus in uterus is termed as -

(a) Ingestion

(b) Vertical transmission

(c) iatrogenic infection

(d) Inoculation

Answer- B

Q.79 The resistance to infections which immunity an individual possesses by virtue of his genetic and constitutional make up -

(a) Acquired immunity

(b) Active immunity

(c) Innate immunity

(d) Passive immunity

Answer- C

Q.80 Which aniong the following is a permanent method of family planning?

(a) Condom

(b) Copper T

(c) Lippes Loop

(d) Tubectomy

Answer- D

Q.81 Non selective B blockers are to be avoided in which of the following condition

(a) Glaucoma

(b) Hyperthyroidism

(c) Arrhythmia

(d) Bronchial Asthma

Answer- D

Q.82 Creatine is a chemical compound which is synthesized in human -

(a) Liver

(b) Muscle

(c) Stomach

(d) Intestine

Answer- A

Q.83 Which among the following diseases is not transmitted through blood transfusion?

(a) HIV

(b) Hepatitis B

(c) Filariasis

(d) Hepatitis C

Answer- C

Q.84 Which is a DNA virus?

(a) Polio virus

(b) Hepatitis A virus

(c) Influenza virus

(d) Hepatitis B virus

Answer- D

Q.85 Convert 120 °F to °C (Conversion of Fahrenheit Scale to Centigrade Scale) is -

(a) 48.8°C

(b) 56.8°C

(c) 30°C

(d) 42°C

Answer- A

Q.86 “Sialogram” is the investigation of -

(a) Urinary bladder

(b) Oesophagus

(c) Thyroid gland

(d) Salivary gland

Answer- D

Q.87 Computerized X-ray of layers of tissue is known as -

(a) PET Scan

(b) MRI

(c) CT-Scan

(d) USS

Answer- C

Q.88 “Kerato” means

(a) Eye

(b) Cornea

(c) Eyelid

(d) Retina

Answer- B

Q.89 The following are prodrug, EXCEPT -

(a) Captopril

(b) Enalapril

(c) Perindopril

(d) Ramipril

Answer- A

Q.90 In ventricular systole -

(a) Semilunar valves closed. Ventricular filling

(b) Semilunar valves open. Blood pumped into aorta and pulmonary artery (c) AV valves opened

(d) AV valves closed

Answer- B

Q.91 Foramen magnum is part of -

(a) Frontal bone

(b) Parietal bone

(c) Occipital bone

(d) Maxilla

Answer- C

Q.92 Cholangiogram is the contrast investigation of

(a) Biliary system

(b) Spinal cord

(c) Portal system

(d) Colon

Answer- A

Q.93 Name of test used to detect urine urobilinogen is -

(a) Rothera's test

(b) Ehrlich's test

(c) Fouchet's test

(d) Hay's test

Answer- B

Q.94 Which one of the following statement is false regarding suicide?

(a) Suicidalily runs in the family.

(b) Those who commit suicide will never communicate suicidal ideas.

(c) 10% of schizophrenics die by suicide.

(d) ECT is indicated in severely depressed with suicidal risk

Answer- B

Q.95 Swine flu influenza is caused by the virus.

(a) H1N1

(b) H5N1

(c) H3N1

(d) H3N2

Answer- A

Q.96 The term “Doppler effect" is associated with which modality of investigation?

(a) Ultrasound

(b) Nuclear medicine

(c) PET CT

(d) MRI

Answer- A

Q.97 The other name of food pipe is

(a) Oropharynx

(b) Oesophagus

(c) Larynx

(d) Nasopharynx

Answer- B

Q.98 The only horizontal bone in the skeleton

(a) Clavicle

(b) Scapula

(c) Humerus

(d) Ulna

Answer- A

Q.99 'World Diabetes Day' is celebrated on -

(a) May 31st

(b) April 7

(c) November 14th

(d) December 1st

Answer- C

Q.100 In prevention of accidents wearing helmet is –

(a) Primordial prevention

(b) Primary prevention

(c) Secondary prevention

(d) Tertiary prevention

Answer- C


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