pharmacology exam question / one line important pharmacology booster

pharmacology exam question

1. Myasthenia Gravis :- It is a autoimmune disorder characterized by mark muscular
weakness there is a decrease in the number of nicotinic receptor at neuromuscular
junction. Anti cholinesterase (Neostigmine and pyridostigmine ) are the commonly used
drug are effective in providing symptomatic relieve.Corticosteroid and other immune
suppressant agent like cyclophosphamine, are useful in myasthenia gravis azathioprine.

2. Physostigmine is the preferred antidote in belladonna (atropine) poisoning.

3. Oxybutynin and flavoxate are used to relive spasm after urologic surgery.

4. Organophosphors poisoning atropine is life saving drug.

5. The antidote for severe atropine poisoning it’s physostigmine (1-4 mg is injected I.V slowl).

7. 70 % alcohol use an antiseptic.

8. Drug like Metronidazole, Griseofulvin, Cefoperazone etc. Also have disulfiram like reaction. Hence doctor’s should worn the patient not to take alcohol with certain drugs.

9. Analgesic effect of morphine mediated mainly through opioid μ receptor.

10.  Pure opioid antagonist Naltrexone is use as oral antidote for morphine dependence.

11. Specific antidote :- Naloxone 0.4 - 0.8mg I.V. Dose is given in acute morphine poisoning repeated till respiration becomes normal.

12. Morphine is contraindicated in case with head injury, Bronchial asthma & COPD, Hypotensive state, Infant and old people (Due to respiratory depression) and Undiagnosed acute abdominal pain.

14. Fetal hydantion syndrome :- Cleft lips, cleft plate due to the use of phenytoin during pregnancy.

15. Diazepam 10mg I.V., slowly or Lorazepam 0.1mg/kg the DOC in status epilepticus.

16. Benzodiazepine (diazepam, lorazepam) are preferred anxiety drug.

17. Normal serum level of lithium is 0.5-1.5mmol/L . Toxic level above 2.0 mmol/L. Haemodialysis is necessary above 4.0 mmol/L.

18. Sedative is a drug that reduce excitement & calm the person. Hypnotics is a drug that produce sleep resembling normal sleep.

19. BZD have a specific receptor antagonist Flumazenil Which can be used for the treatment of their over doses.

20 . Oxytocin is doc for induction of labor because - it has a short plasma half life, prevent fetal asphyxia, Lower uterine segment is not contracted.

21. Tocolytics are drugs that inhibit uterine contraction β Adrenergic agonist:- Isoxsuprine (DOC), salbutamol ,terbutaline ,ritodrine. Magnisum-Sulphate (Given by I.V. infusion) are use as tocolytics.

22. Clomiphene citrate is use for infertility, in vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian
transfer (GIFT).

23. Preparation containing less then 35mcg of estrogen are refer to as “low dose pill”.

24. Ulipristal:-[30 mg single dose] :- effective up to 5 days ,following unprotect sex.

25. Insulin is destroy by the proteolytic enzyme in the gut and hence not effective orally. It is usually administer subcutaneously in the abdomen anterior thigh or dorsal arm.

26. β- blocker’s should not be given during insulin and sulphonylurea (oral hypoglycemic agent) therapy.

27. The drug that cause vomiting are called emetics. Example:- mustard common salt ,ipecac (plant) and Apomorphine.

28. Scopolamine (hyoscine) DOC to prevent motion sickness (Travel ) sickness.

29. Metoclopramide used in the treatment - intractable hiccups

30 Domperidone is preferred antiemetic in children.

31. Lipid pneumonia may occurs due to entry of a drug into lungs . hence liquid paraffin

should not be given at bed time.

32. Osmotic purgatives / laxatives:- These are the most powerful and rapid acting agent.

33. Lactulose can be used to treat constipation in pregnancy.

34. Cough (Dry Cough) is adverse effect of ACE inhibitors :- Occurrence of intractable cough Symptoms is a indication to stop the drug.

35. Diabetic Nephropathy :- ACE inhibitor’s are the preferred anti-hypertensive in diabetics.

36. Sudden stoppage of β- blockers often prolonged therapy can cause rebound hypertension ,precipitation of angina and sudden death due to sympathetic over activity.

37. Methyldopa is one of the prefer antihypertensive drug during pregnancy.

38. Pheochromocytoma (Vascular tumor of adrenaline gland.). [↑se Secretion of ephenephrine → ↑se B.P. drug use phenoxybenzamine)

39. Prazosin to treat essential hypertension .Cause 1st dose phenomena. It produce postural hypotension that occurs offer the first dose.

40. Minoxidil is use to promote hair growth in male type of baldness.

41. Sodium Nitro Prusside is the DOC for Hypertension crisis administer in a dose of 0.25-1.5 mg /kg /min by iv infusion in 5% dextrose.

42. Nitroglycerine is commonly administered sublingually For an acute attack of angina with an initial dose of 0.5mg that usually relieve pain in 2-3 min.

43. Amyl nitrite and Sodium Nitrite are used in cyanide poisoning.

44. In patient with C.C.F. digitalis reduce the heart rate. (-ve chronotropic effect) hence should be avoided in patient with HR below 60.

45. Digoxin can produce anorexia, nausea, and vomiting due to CTZ stimulation.( major adverse effect of digoxin).

46. Digibind medicine is a specific antidote for digoxin poisoning.

47.Bactericidal Agent:- penicillin’s, cephalosporin, amino glycoside, fluoroquinolone, rifampicin,.

48. Bacteriostatic Agent:- Tetracycline, chloramphenicol, sulfonamide, dapsone,Erithromycin.

49. Sulfonamides may produce Steven Johnson syndrome and Kernicterus [increase level of bilirubin].

50. Cortimoxazole:- Is is a WHO approved fixed dose combination of sulphamethhoxazole + trimithoprim / 5:1.

51. Treatment of anaphylactic shock ( penicillin) :- Injection of Adrenalin [0.3ml - 0.5ml in 1:1000 solution I.M ]. Injection of hydrocortisone [200mg I.V ]. Injection of diphehydramine [50 - 100mgI.M,I.V].

52. Sensitivity test for penicillin should be performed by an I.D test on the ventral aspect of the forearm [0.02ml of penicillin] itching and wheal formation are watched for.

53. Fanconi syndrome produce by older tetracycline.

54. Tetracycline have chelating properly hence form stable insoluble and unabsorbed complexes with metal ions. There for the absorption of tetracycline is reduced with dairy products, antacid, iron, sucralfate and zinc salt.

55. Rickettsial infection:-tetracycline is the DOC

56. Mycoplasma infection and acne - tetracycline is the DOC

57. Gray baby syndrome and Bone marrow suppression is the main adverse effect of chloramphenicol. Ototoxicity, Nephrotoxicity, Neuro muscular blocking effect are three major adverse effect of aminoglycoside antibiotic.

58. Erythromycin As a drug of choice in :- mycoplasma pneumonia infection. Chlamydia infection. Diphtheria. Pertusis.

59. Tenosynovitis and tendon rupture can occur specially in athletics by ciprofloxacin.

60. Hydatid disease- Echinococcus hydatid cyst -surgical resection is a treatment of choice but albendazole is the DOC for medical therapy.

61. Both albendazole and praziquental are highly effective in neurocysticercosis.

62. Chloroquine get concentrate in retina , liver , spleen , kidney , lungs , skin Qunine or qunindine produce, cinchonism , hypoglycaemia and hypotension cinchonism include deafness and visual disturbances like blood vision & colour defect , headache , nausea & vomiting.

63. Primaquine is effective against hepatic stage that is primary and latent tissue forms.

64. Anti fungal miconazole is safe for use during pregnancy.

65. Ketoconazole reduce adrenal cortical steroid, testosterone and estrogens synthesis. Thus caused gynaecomastia, oligospermia, (lack of activity of sperm), loss of libido and importance in males. Menstrual irregularity and amenorrhoea in females.

66. Anti influenza agent:- Oseltamivir( tamiflu) (orally) use in the treatment of swine flu.

67. Prophylaxis of HIV (post exposure prophylaxis treat by zidovudine 300 mg BD + indinavir800 mg .

68. Metronidazole is highly effective against most anaerobic bacteria and several protozoa such as E. histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis

69. Disulfiram like reaction (nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, flushing) may occurs if taken with alcohol hence patient be warm to avoid alcohol during treatment with metronidazole

70. INH is most common AntiTB drug .Adverse effect is Peripheral neuritis.

71. Rifampicin is most rapid killing anti TB. Produce stain various body fluid such as urine ,tear , saliva ,sweat , sputum etc orange red which is harmless.

72. Periodic eye examination is necessary when the patient on ethambutol due to optic neuritis.

73. Dapsone is a sulphone is the oldest cheapest and most widely used agent for thetreatment of leprosy.

Nursing Officer

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